
Turn your resume into a rest api

Primary LanguageJavaScript


turn your resume into a REST api


install serverless

# might need to run sudo
npm install -g serverless

cd into the repo

cd cv-api

generate a config.yml containing your resumes identifier

echo "cvname: johnsmith" > config.yml
echo "email: johnsmith@example.com" >> config.yml

create a bucket for deployment artifacts

aws s3 mb s3://com.johnsmith.serverless.us-east-1.deploys

deploy the application. collect the output (contains the api key and created endpoints)

serverless deploy | tee deployment.log

confirm email subscription to the SNS topic created by the deployment.

write your resume content. create the following:

  • about.md
  • contact.md
  • education.md
  • references.md

there is also an empty directory for employers.

  • employers
    • foo.md
    • bar.md

once completed, sync your resume content with the s3 bucket created by the deployment

aws s3 sync ./cv s3://com.johnsmith.cv --exclude "*.gitkeep"