use branch refactoring


a small service to monitor the health of external urls.

The system accept a list of http/https urls and a crawl_timeout(seconds) and frequency(in seconds) and failure_threshold(count) in JSON format from data.json file

crawl_timeout : System will wait for this much time before giving up on the url frequency : System will wait for this much time before retrying again. failure_threshold : count of retries possible for that url

The system iterates over all the urls in the system and try to do a HTTP GET on the URL(wait for the crawl_timeout) seconds before giving up on the URL.


http://localhost:8080/api/healthcheck/addToDB -> updating db

http://localhost:8080/api/healthcheck/fetchLogs -> fetches records from table logs

cron -> time-based job scheduler for running health check after specific intervals (var REFRESHTIME)