SPJ's Tutorial Core compilers written using circa 2015 Haskell programming practices. Big changes include Monadic error handling and parsing using Parsec.
The template instantiation machine was partially implemented and the GMachine is entirely implemented (up to Mk6).
Simply run Main.hs. You can change the compiler used in this simple REPL, though it doesn't have multiline editing or a nice file-loading interface (yet).
runhaskell Main.hs
core >>> main = fac 20 ; fac n = if (n <= 0) 1 (n * (fac (n - 1)))
core >>> .compiler gmachinemk1
changing compiler to gmachinemk1
core >>> main = 4 * 10
undeclared global: *
core >>> .compiler gmachinemk4
changing compiler to gmachinemk4
core >>> main = 4 * 10
NNum 40
Can also run through GHCi
ghci Main.hs
>>> runCore gmachineMk5
"NNum 2432902008176640000"
>>> runCore gmachineMk6 "main = fac 20 ; fac n = if (n <= 0) 1 (n * (fac (n - 1)))"
"2432902008176640000 "
Also, I mainly used NixOS for this (Cabal file broken, atm). Sandboxed installation is easy with
nix-shell shell.nix
Referencing Implementing functional languages: a tutorial.