
A vis plugin that makes backups of current files before saving.

Primary LanguageLua


A vis plugin that makes backups of current files before saving.

Writes backups to ~/.vis-backups. This backup folder must exist and you need permissions to write to it.

Call backup.set_directory(path) to save backups to a different directory. See below for configuation examples.

Installing this vis plugin

Download the repository. One way is with the git CLI:

git clone https://github.com/roguh/vis-backup

Ensure the directory vis-backup/ is next to visrc.lua.

$ ls
visrc.lua vis-backup/

Add this line to your visrc.lua to load the backup.lua file:


It may be simpler to copy the backup.lua file adjacent to visrc.lua and run require('backup').

visrc.lua can be found at XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vis or $HOME/.config/vis. If not set, use :help for instructions on how to initialize vis. You may also install it in Lua's path. See documentation about the require function.

If the backup.lua file is found in another directory, use the different path:

backup = require('plugins-directory/vis-backup/backup')
-- Call this if the backup directory doesn't exist
backup.set_directory(os.getenv('HOME') .. '/.cache/bak')
$ tree
├── vis-backup
│   ├── README.md
│   └── backup.lua
└── visrc.lua


To configure this module, you may modify the backup table, for example:

backup = require('backup')
backup.byte_limit = 500000
backup.set_directory(getenv('HOME') .. '/.cache/vis-bak')

Configuring backup path and backup filenames

Default configuration:

backup.set_directory(os.getenv('HOME') .. '/.vis-backups')
backup.get_fname = backup.entire_path_with_double_percentage_signs
backup.time_format = '%H-%M-'
-- 1MB
backup.byte_limit = 1000000

Save to another directory (with timestamp)

Add this to your visrc.lua:

backup.get_fname = backup.entire_path_with_double_percentage_signs_and_timestamp

Save to current directory with a tilde at the end (Emacs/Vim style)

Add this to your visrc.lua:

backup.get_fname = function(_, filepath)
  return filepath .. '~'

filepath will not be nil.

This should write a copy of your file to filename~ before saving it.

Configuring size limit

Files longer than backup.byte_limit bytes are not backed up. Default is 1MB.

Other plugins

See Vis' plugins documentation.