
This project consists of controlling a simulator called readopcForStrands to display led animation by using Python.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Simulation

Version Python Arduino


This project consists of controlling a simulator called readopcForStrands to display led animation by using Python.

See other images of the project in the Screenshot folder.

A menu will then be displayed on the Shell command prompt to allow the user to select different animations.


IDLE Python

Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. Download it here.

Arduino UNO R3 Board

Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (datasheet). It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator (CSTCE16M0V53-R0), a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. Buy it here.


A breadboard is a solderless construction base used for developing an electronic circuit and wiring for projects with microcontroller boards. Buy it here.

Microphone Sound Sensor

The Microphone Sound Sensor will be used to detech sound and display random animation on the simulator based on the sound intensity. Buy it here.


A library is a set of method and function that is declared at the beginning of the program, this will prevent the programmer from writing long section of codes. Below is how different libraries were implemented in this project.

import opc
import time
import random
from nanpy import ArduinoApi
from nanpy import SerialManager


OPC.py library allows the python code to have access to the LED simulator to display the animation. It will also act as the local server host.

client = opc.Client('localhost:7890')


The Time library is used in order to control the time sleep between the LED animations.

led_coulour[181] = colour

led_coulour[240] = colour

led_coulour[241] = colour


Random function is used to be able to generate different RGB colour codes to obtain different led colours during the animations.

red = random.randint(0,256)
green = random.randint(0,256)
blue = random.randint(0,256)
colour = (red,green,blue)

random.randint followed by integers in the brackets. The integer used in the bracket is 0 to 256. These are integer are for RGB value and random will generate a value between this 0 to 255 range as the final value in not taken into account


Nanpy is a library that use your Arduino as a slave, controlled by a master device where you run your scripts, such as a PC, a Raspberry Pi etc. This would imply that the Arduino will only read the data from the python IDLE. Nanpy will allow communication between the PC, Arduino and Mircrophone sensor.

pip install nanpy

The following code is implemented to communicate with the Arduino from the python IDLE using SerialManager(‘COM6’). COM6 is the port used for Arduino.

The sound sensor is connected to pin 8 on the Arduino.

connection = SerialManager('COM6')
a = ArduinoApi (connection=connection)
soundSensor = 8
a.pinMode(soundSensor, a.INPUT)

#reading values from sound sensor
SensorData = a.digitalRead(soundSensor)


#condition for intensity of SensorData
if(SensorData == 0):
elif(SensorData == 1):

Exception handling and verification

In order to avoid a program from crashing, an exception handling and try except are used, along with KeyboardInterrupt Exception. This will read the user input from the keyboard and will cancel the animation. As soon as the program is stopped, the menu will show up again. In order for this to happen, the continue function is added. This will keep the program to run again and again until the user decides to exit.

To verify if the user has input a numeric value, the if else has a section where it will verify on the input, if the input is not a numeric value, it will display a message and will prompt the user to input a new value.

Conditional staments was used to check if the option entered by the user, in the Menu, is a valid one. If not, then the program will return an error and the menu will be displayed again.

Arduino Connection


1 - Open Python IDLE

2 - From the File setting, open the \Python Simulation\Python code\Coursework.py file.

3 - Run the /Python Simulation/simulator/bin/windows64/readopcForStrands.exe.

4 - Run python code and view the python simulator.

5 - The WELCOME animation will appear.


👤 Rohan Bhautoo

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