
Small React app for just showing cryptocurrency prices

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A super small app fetching prices of cryptocurrencies using coinmarketcap API. Live version running here at Surge

Deploy Create React App with Surge

create a build folder

npm run build

cd build


At the step where it will give me a default site name, I can just put my own, by deleting the default one.

But only thing is that I have to add “.surge.sh” to my site name. So in this case, I will put cryptocurrency-react-app.surge.sh

After a site has been deployed, how push the diffs to the earlier deployed site - to the same URL

Just like most deployment, it will have to be a fresh deployment. So at the step ( during the fresh deploy of a new project), when I have to choose / edit the exact URL name (keeping .surge.sh at the end intact) - just type the same old URL again, which will be


NOTE - They clearly mention in their site that at this moment, there’s no functionality to push only the diffs, they will have to push the entire project again replacing the previous files.


and follow the prompts. All it needs is an email and a password, and you can optionally specify a different domain name.