
A GUI application based in Rust that allows a user to create to-do lists to help them manage their tasks.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Krabby Do

Authors: Rohan Singh, Kajal Patil, Prachi Kashyap


Krabby Do is an application based in Rust that allows a user to create to-do lists and event reminders to help them manage their tasks and events.

Intended functions

  • Create a new task.
  • Edit an existing task.
  • Delete an existing task.
  • Mark a task as complete or incomplete.
  • Assign deadlines to a certain task.
  • Receive a notification for a particular task at a time specified by the user.

Build Instructions

  1. Install Rust in your system if you don't have it installed. It is available here: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
  2. Install MongoDB Community Edition from here: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/administration/install-community/
  3. Install MongoDB Compass from here: https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/compass
  4. Clone the repository from either of the following links:
  5. Navigate to the repository.
  6. Open terminal and run the following command:
cargo run
  1. To view the entries in the database:
    1. Open MongoDB Compass and connect to the following URI: mongodb://localhost:27017/
    2. Go to the database named events.
    3. Go to the document named todos, the event entries are listed there.


Testing was done using unit tests embedded into the code files in each crate.


How to use Krabby Do


What Worked

  • Rohan - Creating UI elements and implementing layouts for them.
  • Kajal - Created middleware section which interacts with mongoDB. Also Added notification crate which sends out notifications as part of the MVP criteria.
  • Prachi - Implementation of Searching, Sorting, Exporting and adding tags to the events

What Didn't Work

  • Rohan - Styling the UI elements.
  • Kajal - Making the fields in eventEntry structs optional; currently all the fields are mandatory. Also, for notification crate we couldn't implement a background user agent.
  • Prachi - Notifications (My Macbook was throwing some errors while implementing notifications, the notification was not going through the Notification Center).


  • Rohan - I am satisfied with the result but in future I would like to improve the styling of the application as currently it looks a bit too bland for my taste.
  • Kajal - Establishing MongoDB connection was the tricky part. And dealing with data was difficult as well. Faced so many parsing issues, but it was a great learning experience. now I feel confident with data types and parsing. Finding a proper crate which will work for you was difficult, as I feel there is lack of documentation for rust.
  • Prachi - There are many things to figure out about the libraries and their usage. But after working on it, I am happy that I got to learn a new programming language.



Project Structure

Krabby Do consists of three crates with each crate created and managed by a member of the team.

  • UI

    This crate enables a user to add tasks or events for which the user needs to create reminders through a GUI. The UI offers CRUD options such as create, view, edit and delete a task. The UI implementation has been done using egui.

    This crate is handled by Rohan Singh.

  • Middleware

    This component connects with the database and changes done by the user reflects in database. As a standard practice, the delete option updates the active indicator to ‘No’ from ‘Yes’. Middleware consists of six APIs: create/update/fetch all tasks/ fetch todays tasks/delete/ mark as done . This component is a library crate which is utilized by the UI as well as the Notification Crate.

    This crate is handled by Kajal Patil.

  • Notifications

    This component fetches data based on date and send the notifications to the user. We use the ‘notify-rust’ library for implementation. For each task, a separate notification is sent.

    This crate is handled by Kajal Patil/Prachi Kashyap.



Mirrored on: Krabby Do - Rohan's GitHub