List of Commands
- tree -> displays hierarchical struture of files and folder.
- organize -> creates a folder Named 'Organised Folder'.
- help -> displays list of commands and there use.
#tree command shows the files and folder inside root folder in a tree like structure
usage -> fsys tree
#organise command organizes the files of the root folder in to the below mentioned categories and makes a perticular folder for that category and moves files belonging to that category into it.
media : ['mp4','mkv'],
app: ['apk','deb','pkg','exe'],
documents : ['docx','pdf','xlsx','odt','odp','odg',
archives : ['zip','7z','tar','gz','ar','iso','xz','rar'],
images : ['jpeg','jpg','png']
usage -> fsys organize
#help commmand shows the list of all available commands under fsys
usage -> fsys help