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How to run the app:

  1. npm install
  2. npm run start

How to setup locally:

Cloning repo

What does the app do:

This User Creation Form does just that. It is a single page site that allows users to create users. Pulling and mapping through data from an endpoint provided to render options for two select inputs - occupation and state. The app has on-change form validation for all inputs on the form which upon filling out correctly will enable the submit button allowing users to submit the form. The submit handler triggers a POST request to the same endpoint and if successful the user will recieve a pop-up success message.

Empty form Empty form Form errors Form errors Form filled correctly Form filled correctly Success message Success message

Technologies used

  • React
  • TailwindCSS
    • DaisyUI

Minimum Requirements

The site must:

  1. Display a form with inputs for each field outlined
  2. Allow a user to complete and submit the form
  3. Do not allow form submission without completing the entire form
  4. Provide feedback upon successful form submission

Added Features

  1. On-change form validation
  2. Confirm password field
  3. View password icon toggle
  4. User cannot multi-click submit button
  5. reset state upon successful submit
  6. Mobile responsive
  7. Hosted with Vercel