
Learning journey with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yZImm2A1KE&list=PLN3n1USn4xlma1bBu3Tloe4NyYn9Ko8Gs&index=1

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Learning journey as I go through Ben Awad's youtube playlist for typed graphql backend.

Commitizen friendly


Install redis locally by running the following command:

brew install redis

Start redis server like this:

redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf

To test if it is working at all, from a different terminal window, try pinging the redis server like this:

redis-cli ping

It should respond with a PONG

You must have a postgresql server running locally. I am using a mac app from https://postgresapp.com/

Update ormconfig.json with correct user, port and password for your local installation.

Running locally

  1. yarn
  2. yarn start