
A social media app to connect UCLA students, based on their common interests and likes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rohan Battula, Steven Chu, Jackson DeWitt, Erdi Haciogullari, Jeremy Tsai


To run the program, you'll need to download the node modules. In each folder (clink and api), run the following command to install all of the necessary node modules listed in package.json:

npm install

If there is any issue with this, you can also install the packages manually. For the client-side (in the clink folder), the command to install these packages is:

npm install --save react-router-dom socket.io-client
react-scroll-to-bottom query-string

For the server, side, these commands are:

npm install express ejs bcryptnpm install
npm install express ejs
npm install --save-dev nodemon dotenv
npm install bcrypt
npm install passport passport-local
npm install express-session express-flash
npm install method-override
npm install --save cors socket.io

All of these commands are also listed in the README files in both the clink and api folders.

Once the node modules have downloaded, you'll have to change the local IP address for the server requests. This program runs on two separate ports (one serves the local statics for the front-end and the other serves the data used by the front-end via these post requests). To do so, open up clink/src/index.js and go to the line:

sessionStorage.setItem('local-ip', 'Your local IP address here');

Change the 'Your local IP address here' string with a string of your local IP address. When you're done, it should look something like this (for an IP address of 123.456.7.89):

sessionStorage.setItem('local-ip', '123:456:7:89');

Make sure to save the file after doing so.

At this point, everything done here should not have to be done again. To start up the program, first go to the 'api' folder and run the following command:

node server.js

This will start up the back-end server on port 3000. Next, navigate back to the main folder, and then go into the 'clink' folder and run the following command:

npm start

If this directs you to a prompt saying that your 3000 port is currently in use and asks you if you'd like to use a different port, enter 'y' into the prompt (or any other command that would tell the prompt that you would like to use a different port).

On one of your local ports, the login page will be loaded, likely on port 3001. If you close out this page, you can always re-open the page by typing http://localhost:[PORT], with [PORT] replaced with the port number, again likely 3001.

We have created 50 mock users for demonstration, with their usernames and passwords in the form 'test#', where # is an integer from 1 to 50, inclusive. For example, the user test12 has a username and password of test12, which should be entered in the login page. To make a new user, go to the 'signup' page and enter the necessary information.

Once you are logged in, you will see a number of page tabs across the top. Each page is as follows:

About - about our mission

Search - look for other users by entering in the characteristics that you are looking for

Feed - displays users that you matched with

Profile - displays your current profile that you have set

Change Profile - where you can update your profile. As a new user, this is where you should go if you'd like to set up your profile

Messages - displays the list of users whom you've messaged or who have messaged you. Click on the button with their name to open up an active message room between you and that user

Log Out - when you're ready to leave, hit this button to log out

The rest of the website will show you what to do with helpful prompts. Have fun (matching with made-up users)!