
Data Science Folder Structure

Primary LanguagePython

Data Science Project Structure

Directory Structure

├── config/                     <- All project related config files
│  ├── config.ini               <- Configuration for the testing/production system
│  └── local_config.ini         <- Configuration for local development system
├── data/                       <- All project related data files
│  ├── external/                <- Data from third party sources
│  ├── raw/                     <- The original, immutable data dump
│  └── processed/               <- The final data sets for modeling
├── logs/                       <- Project logs
├── models/                     <- Trained models, predictions, and summaries
├── notebooks/                  <- Jupyter notebooks
├── references/                 <- Data dictionaries, and all other explanatory material
├── src/                        <- Source code for the project
│  ├── modeling/                <- Scripts to train the models
│  ├── processing/              <- Scripts to process the data to create the final dataset
│  ├── scoring/                 <- Scripts to score the models
│  ├── utils/                   <- Scripts for utility functions
│  │  └── utils.py              <- Script for common utility functions
│  ├── __init__.py              <- Makes src a Python module
│  └── main.py                  <- Project's entry script
├── .gitignore                  <- List of files and folders git should ignore
├── README.md                   <- The top-level README for developers using this project
└── requirements.txt            <- The requirements file for reproducing the environment

Populate the requirements.txt using

Python PIP

pip freeze > requirements.txt


conda list -e > requirements.txt

Naming Conventions

Jupyter Notebooks


Log Files


Model Files


Data Files
