
Primary LanguagePython

Table of Contents


Jointist is a joint-training framework capable of:

  1. Instrument Recogition
  2. Multi-Instrument Transcription
  3. Music Source Separation

Demo: https://jointist.github.io/Demo/

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.00286


This code is developed using the docker image nvidia/cuda:10.2-devel-ubuntu18.04 and python version 3.8.10.

To setup the environment for joinist, install the dependies

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you get OSError: sndfile library not found, you need to install libsndfile1 using

apt install libsndfile1

The pretrained model weights can be download from dropbox. Put the model weights under the weights folder after downloading.

The example songs for interference is included in this repo as songs.zip.

After unzipping it using the following command, a new folder called songs will be created.

unzip songs.zip


a. Instrument Recognition + Transcription

The following script detects the instrument in the song and transcribe the instruments detected:

python pred_jointist.py audio_path=songs audio_ext=mp3 gpus=[0]

It will first run a instrument recognition model, and the predicted instruments are used as the conditions to the transcription model.

If you have multiple GPUs, the argument gpus controls which GPU to use. For example, if you want to use GPU:2, then you can do gpus=[2].

The audio_path specifies the path to the input audio files. If your audio files are not in .mp3 format, you can change the audio_ext argument to the audio format of your songs. Since we use torchaudio.load to load audio files, you can used any audio format as long as it is supported by torchaudio.load.

The output MIDI files will be stored inside the outputs/YYYY-MM-DD/HH-MM-SS/MIDI_output folder.

Model weights can be changed under checkpoint of End2End/config/jointist_inference.yaml.

  • transcription1000.ckpt is the model trained only on the transcription task.
  • tseparation.ckpt is the model weight jointly trained with both transcription and source separation tasks.

b. Instrument Recognition + Transcription + Source Separation

The following inference script performs instrument detection, transcription, and source separation:

python pred_jointist_ss.py audio_path=songs audio_ext=mp3 gpus=[0]

Same as above, the output MIDI files will be stored inside the outputs/YYYY-MM-DD/HH-MM-SS/MIDI_output folder.

Model weights can be changed under checkpoint of End2End/config/jointist_ss_inference.yaml. tseparation.ckpt is the checkpoint with a better transcription F1 sources and source separation SDR after training both of them end2end.

Implementational details for Jointist is avaliable here

Using individual pretrained models


python pred_transcription.py datamodule=wild

Currently supported datamodule:

  1. wild
  2. h5
  3. slakh The configuration such as path and audio_ext for each datamodule can be modified inside End2End/config/datamoudle/xxx.yaml


Instrument Recognition

python train_detection.py detection=CombinedModel_NewCLSv2 datamodule=slakh epoch=50 gpus=4 every_n_epochs=2  

detection: controls the model type detection/backbone: controls which CNN backbone to use datamodule: controls which dataset to use (openmic2018/slakh). It affects the instrument mappings.

Please refer to End2End/config/detection_config.yaml for more configuration parameters


python train_transcription.py transcription.backend.acoustic.type=CNN8Dropout_Wide inst_sampler.mode=imbalance inst_sampler.samples=2 inst_sampler.neg_samples=2 inst_sampler.temp=0.5 inst_sampler.audio_noise=0 gpus=[0] batch_size=2

transcription.backend.acoustic.type: controls the model type inst_sampler.mode=imbalance: controls which sampling mode to use inst_sampler.samples: controls how many positive samples to be mined for training inst_sampler.neg_samples: controls how many negative samples to be mined for training inst_sampler.temp: sampling temperature, only effective when using imbalance sampling inst_sampler.audio_noise: controls if random noise should be added to the audio during training gpus: controls which gpus to use. [0] means using cuda:0; [2] means using cuda:2; [0,1,2,3] means using four gpus cuda:0-3

Please refer to End2End/config/transcription_config.yaml for more configuration parameters

End2end training (Jointist)

python train_jointist.py

