
Implementation of graphs in C++ (with Iterators)

Primary LanguageC++


Implementation of graphs in C++ (with Iterators)

-Inorder to use graph library the following prerequisites have to be met: -> System should have c++14 or above installed -> All the files in the library package should be in same folder -Inorder to use the library: -> Put the library in same folder as client code -> inlcude "graph.h" file in the client code to use all library functionalities -About Graph class: -> Can create an object by passing (1)A list of node names and (2)An adjancecy matrix i.e. vector<vector> -> Functionalites to use are:- -iterator myfind(iterator first,iterator last, string val) -comp_graphs(iterator st1,iterator en1,iterator st2,iterator en2) -void djikstra(string src_, int N) -vector topo_sort(iterator start_pt,iterator end_pt); -int get_number_of_components(string city); -And all six basic class functionalities

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