
Focus Manager for Framer

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Focus Manager for Framer.

Read the full documentation here

Including the module in your project

Copy the .coffee files in the modules folder of your framer project. Include the focusManager module in your framer project:

{focusManager} = require ‘focusManager’

Initializing the focus manager

The focus manager maintains and tracks focus around the screen. The focusmanager object accepts certain properties. Read the full documentation to know more about each of these properties in detail.

focusManager = new focusManager
     leftStickDpad: boolean
     controller: "PS4" / "XB1"
     defaultOnState: object
     defaultOffstate: object
     defaultSelectionBorder: boolean
     defaultSelectionBorderWidth: integer
     defaultSelectionBorderColor: color 

Making a layer selectable

A layer is required to be made selectable in order for it to accept focus.

selectableLayer.isSelectable = true

Selecting a default layer

To specify the default focus layer or to manually focus a layer.

focusManager.selectedItem = selectableLayer

Specifying layer targets

The module will automatically try and find the nearest layer to move the focus to whe na button is pressed. You can override this by specifying targets manually

selectableLayer.up = anotherLayer
selectableLayer.down = anotherLayer
selectableLayer.left = anotherLayer
selectableLayer.right = anotherLayer

Overriding default options

You can override the properties of the focusManager object for individual selectable layers

selectableLayer.selectionBorder = false
selectableLayer.selectionBorderWidth = 5
selectableLayer.selectionBorderColor = "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)"
selectableLayer.states.on =
     scale: 1.1
 selectableLayer.states.off =
     scale: 1


Event Map for PS4 and Xbox One controllers

An event is generated for the currently selected layer when a button is pressed. The event generated for each of the buttons shown in the event map below

Event Map For buttons

Event Types:

Simple Events

These events are generated on the layer everytime a button is pressed

selectableLayer.on "up", ->
     print "up button pressed"
selectableLayer.on "cross", ->
     print "cross button pressed"

ButtonPress Events

This is a common event generated on the selectable layer for all button presses. The button name is passed as an argument to the event handler

selectableLayer.on "buttonPress", (button) ->
     print button, " was pressed on ", this.name

Blur & Focus Events

Blur & focus events are generated on a layer wheneber the layer loses or gains focus

selectableLayer.on "focus", ->
     print this.name," is selected"
selectableLayer.on "blur", ->
     print this.name," is deselected"

Selection Change Event

This event is generated on the focusManager object everytime the selection changes, the layer name is passed as an argument to the event handler

focusManager.on "change:selection", (layer) ->
     print "selection changed to ", layer.name

Event Propagation

Every time an event is generated on a selectable layer, it is also propagated to each of its parent layers. This continues all the way until the window.document level. The selected layer is passed as an argument to the event handler

flowComponent.on "circle", (selectedLayer) ->
     print "circle event generated on ", selectedLayer.name