
Demo text editor project featuring a multi-module plugin API, Python scripting and a custom keyboard shortcut DSL.

Primary LanguageJava

Text Editor

Extendable text editor demo project written in Java for a university assignment.

Author: Rohan Khayech


  • Basic text editor functionality with GUI built with JavaFX.
  • Support for loading/saving files in UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 encoding.
  • Multi-module configuration using Gradle.
  • Extendable via a plugin API with example plugins included.
  • Runtime loading of plugins using reflection.
  • Extendable via Python scripting intepreted with Jython, with an example script included.
  • Custom DSL and parser for configuring keyboard shortcuts built with JavaCC.
  • Localisation support for language, date and number format, with example Dutch translation included.

How to Run

Run the following terminal command in the root directory:

> ./gradlew run

Example Plugins/Scripts

  • Find Plugin ( texteditor.FindPlugin ): Plugin for finding a specified phrase.
  • Date Plugin ( texteditor.DatePlugin ): Inserts a localised string representing the current date at the cursor position.
  • Emoji Script ( /scripts/emoji.py ): Replaces ':-)' with a smiley face emoji.