
DEPRECATED - Quartermaster (v0.3?) UI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quartermaster UI

Introduction & Best Practices

Welcome to the Quartermaster UI repository; a React app, using:

  • Flexbox
  • Redux (state management)
  • React Router
  • PostCSS
  • DraftJS

For all JS style related things, refer to the JavaScript Style Guide which is forked off Airbnb's JS style guide. Note: The React style guide isn't necessarily up-to date.

Other important rules

  1. Do not add a UI kit/CSS framework!


  1. $ npm install
  2. $ npm start
  3. ... wait for webpack: bundle is now VALID. in the console
  4. Open up http://qrtrmstr.localhost:8080/


  1. Webpack is red Read the stack trace.. fix the issue. It's probably that you need to do an npm install because someone added a new package

  2. Node is being weird Make sure you're on Node 6, and have installed Node via nvm. nvm use should fix the issue. NOTE: Our APIs are still using Node v4

  3. NPM takes forever to install! YUP!

  4. The dev server randomly breaks Known bug... unknown fix. Bounty of 1 beer to whoever solves this problem for good.

Build & Deploy:

  1. Get Heroku toolbelt ($ brew install heroku-toolbelt)
  2. Make sure you have Heroku credentials for UI repo
  3. $ heroku login
  4. Get Heroku static plugin: $ heroku plugins:install heroku-cli-static
  5. $ heroku git:remote -a qrtrmstr-ui
  6. $ npm run build
  7. $ heroku static:deploy --remote master

Staging environment

This must be run the first time you try you deploy to staging

  1. $ heroku login
  2. Get Heroku static plugin: $ heroku plugins:install heroku-cli-static
  3. $ heroku git:remote -a qrtrmstr-ui-staging -r staging

These commands should be run everytime you want to deploy the dev branch to staging

  1. $ npm run build
  2. $ heroku login
  3. $ heroku static:deploy --remote staging