
Gem to consume PowerBi Embedded API from Microsoft

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem to consume Microsoft's PowerBiEmbedded RESTfull API.

The purpose of the methods is to generate tokens for the Power Bi Embedded JS LIB (https://github.com/Microsoft/PowerBI-JavaScript)


  • Authenticate on Microsoft
  • List Groups
  • List and Get Dashboards
  • List and Get Tiles
  • List and Get Reports
  • Embed Reports
  • Embed Dashboards
  • Embed Tiles


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'power_bi_embedded'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install power_bi_embedded



PowerBiEmbedded::Authenticate.new(username: POWERBI_USERNAME, password: POWERBI_PASSWORD, refresh_token: REFRESH_TOKEN, client_id: CLIENT_ID, grant_type: GRANT_TYPE).call

List Groups

PowerBiEmbedded::Groups.list(access_token: AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN)

List Dashboards

PowerBiEmbedded::Dashboards.list(group_id: GROUP_ID, access_token: AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN)

Get Dashboard

PowerBiEmbedded::Dashboards.get(group_id: GROUP_ID, dashboard_id: DASHBOARD_ID, access_token: AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN)

List Tiles

PowerBiEmbedded::Tiles.list(group_id: GROUP_ID, dashboard_id: DASHBOARD_ID, access_token: AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN)

Get Tile

PowerBiEmbedded::Tiles.get(group_id: GROUP_ID, dashboard_id: DASHBOARD_ID, tile_id: TILE_ID, access_token: AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN)

List Reports

PowerBiEmbedded::Reports.list(group_id: GROUP_ID, access_token: AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN)

Get Report

PowerBiEmbedded::Reports.get(group_id: GROUP_ID, report_id: REPORT_ID, access_token: AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN)

Embed Resource

[DOC] (https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-br/rest/api/power-bi/embedtoken)

OBS: "resource" can be "report", "dashboard" or "tile"

PowerBiEmbedded::EmbedToken.new(access_token: AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN, group_id: GROUP_ID, resource: RESOURCE_NAME, resource_id: RESOURCE_ID, tile_id: TILE_ID, dataset_id: DATASET_ID, access_level: ACCESS_LEVEL, identities: IDENTITIES, allow_save_as: ALLOW_SAVE_AS).call


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/power_bi_embedded.