
Library to communicate with the Kik API to develop a bot for Kik Messenger

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Kik Node API

NPM Version Build Status Coverage Status

Getting Started

Use this library to communicate with the Kik API to develop a bot for Kik Messenger. Got to dev.kik.com to learn more and start building a bot.


This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to bots@kik.com.

If you're looking to contribute to the kik package, check out the Contributing Guide.

Getting Help

Here are other resources for using Kik node:

  • stackoverflow.com is a great place to get answers about building a Kik chat bot.
  • Go to dev.kik.com to get started building a bot, scan the code at dev.kik.com and talk to Botsworth.


The Kik bot library is released under the terms of the MIT license. See License for more information or see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.

How To

Creating a basic Kik bot is simple:

  1. Import @kikinteractive/kik
  2. Create a bot with the username and API key you got from https://dev.kik.com/
  3. Configure your bot as described in the documentation
  4. Add the bot as middleware to your server with bot.incoming()
  5. Start your web server

You can use any node-style web server to host your Kik bot. Add handlers to your bot by calling bot.onTextMessage(...) and get notified whenever a user messages you. Take action on the messages as they come in and call message.reply(...) to respond to the message within the chat the message was sent from.

Check out the full API documentation for more advanced uses.

Your first echo bot

'use strict';

let util = require('util');
let http = require('http');
let Bot  = require('@kikinteractive/kik');

// Configure the bot API endpoint, details for your bot
let bot = new Bot({
    username: 'echo.bot',
    apiKey: '7b939d69-e840-4d22-aab8-4188c2198f8a',
    baseUrl: 'https://kik-echobot.ngrok.io/'


bot.onTextMessage((message) => {

// Set up your server and start listening
let server = http
    .listen(process.env.PORT || 8080);

Sending a message to a specific user

You can send a targeted message to a user once they have subscribed to your bot. If you want to send someone a message, just call bot.send(...) with their username. You don't need to specify a chat ID here since you are sending it directly to the user, not within a specific chat.

// To one user (a.username)
bot.send(Bot.Message.text('Hey, nice to meet you!'), 'a.username');

// You can use a shorthand for text messages to keep things a bit cleaner
bot.send('Getting started is super easy!', 'a.username');

Sending a picture message

If you want to send a photo to a user you can send a picture message. The API will download the image you supply and pass it along. You have to set the attribution name and icon for the message so the knows where the content came from even if it's forwarded later.


Greeting a user by name

Whenever a user subscribes to your bot, your bot will receive a start-chatting message. This message gives you the chance to say hello to the user and let them know what your bot is about.

You might want to greet your new user by name. You can use the bot.getUserProfile(...) method to request information about users who have subscribed to your bot.

bot.onStartChattingMessage((message) => {
        .then((user) => {
            message.reply(`Hey ${user.firstName}!`);

Adding multiple handlers

Separating different states into multiple message handlers can keep your bot logic under control. If you call next from within your handler, you allow the next handler in the chain to run, otherwise, handling of the incoming message will end with the current handler.

bot.onTextMessage((message, next) => {
    const userState = getUserState(message.from);

    if (!userState.inIntroState) {
        // Send the user the intro state
        // ...


    // Allow the next handler take over

bot.onTextMessage((message) => {
        .then((result) => {

Setting a static keyboard

You can specify a static keyboard for your bot when a user starts mentioning it in a conversation:

let bot = new Bot({
    username: 'echo.bot',
    apiKey: '7b939d69-e840-4d22-aab8-4188c2198f8a',
    baseUrl: 'https://kik-echobot.ngrok.io/',
    staticKeyboard: new Bot.ResponseKeyboard(['Option 1', 'Option 2'])

API Documentation


Parses user messages sent from Kik's server. Use the .incoming() method to return the middleware in a form of function (req, res, next) {}. The middleware will automatically decode the request, and call the appropriate on functions based on the content type. Additional middleware can be used by calling the .use(handler) method.

Kind: global class
See: https://bots.kik.com

new Bot()

Param Type Description
options.username string
options.apiKey string
[options.baseUrl] string
[options.incomingPath] string Set true to enable polling or set options
[options.manuallySendReadReceipts] boolean
[options.receiveReadReceipts] boolean
[options.receiveDeliveryReceipts] boolean
[options.receiveIsTyping] boolean
[options.skipSignatureCheck] boolean Verify the authenticity of inbound requests. For testing only, do not disable for a bot in production.
[options.staticKeyboard] ResponseKeyboard Static keyboard for your bot


Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
handler MessageHandlerCallback


Kind: instance method of Bot

bot.onTextMessage([text], handler)

Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
[text] string | regexp
handler MessageHandlerCallback


bot.onTextMessage((incoming, next) => {
     // reply handles the message and stops other handlers
     // from being called for this message
     incoming.reply(`Hi I'm ${bot.username}`);


bot.onTextMessage((incoming, next) => {
     if (incoming.body !== 'Hi') {
         // we only handle welcoming, let someone else deal with this
         // message
         return next();

     // say hello...


bot.onTextMessage(/^hi|hello|bonjour$/i, (incoming, next) => {
     // say hello...


Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
handler MessageHandlerCallback


Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
handler MessageHandlerCallback


Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
handler MessageHandlerCallback


Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
handler MessageHandlerCallback


Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
handler MessageHandlerCallback


Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
handler MessageHandlerCallback


Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
handler MessageHandlerCallback


Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
handler MessageHandlerCallback


Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
handler MessageHandlerCallback


Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
handler MessageHandlerCallback

bot.getKikCodeUrl() ⇒ promise.<string>

Creates a Kik Code with the intended options and returns the URL of the Kik Code image. If the options specify a data Kik Code this will hit the Kik Code service and store that data for you.

Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type Description
[options.data] string | object The data to be sent back to this bot after the user scans
[options.width] number Width of the Kik code in the PNG image
[options.height] number Height of the Kik code in the PNG image
[options.size] number Helper for the width and height in the PNG image
[options.color] number The color which the user will see after scanning. See {KikCode.Colors}

bot.getUserProfile() ⇒ promise.<UserProfile>

Kind: instance method of Bot

bot.broadcast(messages, recipients)

Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
messages array
recipients array

bot.send(messages, recipient, [chatId])

Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
messages array
recipient string
[chatId] string


Handles the incoming requests for messages configuration.

Kind: instance method of Bot


Adds a post processing handler for all outgoing messages. Messages passed to this handler will be JSON objects.

Kind: instance method of Bot

Param Type
handler MessageHandlerCallback


bot.outgoing((outgoing, next) => {
     console.log('Outgoing message:', outgoing);


Object that allows you to send a response to user messages or ignore them.

Kind: global class

incomingMessage.reply(messages) ⇒ promise.<object>

Kind: instance method of IncomingMessage

Param Type
messages Message | array.<Message>

incomingMessage.markRead() ⇒ promise.<object>

Kind: instance method of IncomingMessage

incomingMessage.startTyping() ⇒ promise.<object>

Kind: instance method of IncomingMessage

incomingMessage.stopTyping() ⇒ promise.<object>

Kind: instance method of IncomingMessage


Kind: instance method of IncomingMessage


See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#user-profiles

Kind: global class

userProfile.displayName ⇒ string

Kind: instance property of UserProfile

userProfile.username ⇒ string

Kind: instance property of UserProfile

userProfile.firstName ⇒ string

Kind: instance property of UserProfile

userProfile.lastName ⇒ string

Kind: instance property of UserProfile

userProfile.profilePicUrl ⇒ string

Kind: instance property of UserProfile

userProfile.profilePicLastModified ⇒ number

Kind: instance property of UserProfile

userProfile.timezone ⇒ string

Kind: instance property of UserProfile


Object that stores a specific message that can be sent to/received from a user. The static methods of Message are factories that generate a specific kind of message.

Kind: global class

message.from ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#receiving-messages

Kind: instance property of Message

message.id ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#receiving-messages

Kind: instance property of Message

message.chatId ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#receiving-messages

Kind: instance property of Message

message.messageIds ⇒ array

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#receipts

Kind: instance property of Message

message.readReceiptRequested ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#receipts

Kind: instance property of Message

message.stickerPackId ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#sticker

Kind: instance property of Message

message.scanData ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#kik-codes-api

Kind: instance property of Message

message.stickerUrl ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#sticker

Kind: instance property of Message

message.timestamp ⇒ number

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#common-fields

Kind: instance property of Message

message.type ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#message-formats

Kind: instance property of Message

message.kikJsData ⇒ object

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#link

Kind: instance property of Message

message.picUrl ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#link

Kind: instance property of Message

message.noForward ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#link

Kind: instance property of Message

message.isTyping ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#is-typing

Kind: instance property of Message

message.body ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#text

Kind: instance property of Message

message.text ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#link

Kind: instance property of Message

message.title ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#link

Kind: instance property of Message

message.url ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#link

Kind: instance property of Message

message.videoUrl ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#video

Kind: instance property of Message

message.delay ⇒ number

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#common-fields

Kind: instance property of Message

message.typeTime ⇒ number

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#text

Kind: instance property of Message

message.attributionName ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#attribution

Kind: instance property of Message

message.attributionIcon ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#attribution

Kind: instance property of Message

message.loop ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#video

Kind: instance property of Message

message.muted ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#video

Kind: instance property of Message

message.autoplay ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#video

Kind: instance property of Message

message.noSave ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#video

Kind: instance property of Message

message.participants ⇒ array

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#participants

Kind: instance property of Message

message.mention ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#mention

Kind: instance property of Message

message.picked ⇒ string

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#friend-picker

Kind: instance property of Message

message.metadata ⇒ object

Kind: instance property of Message

message.isTextMessage() ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#text

Kind: instance method of Message

message.isLinkMessage() ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#link

Kind: instance method of Message

message.isPictureMessage() ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#picture

Kind: instance method of Message

message.isVideoMessage() ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#video

Kind: instance method of Message

message.isStartChattingMessage() ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#start-chatting

Kind: instance method of Message

message.isScanDataMessage() ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#scan-data

Kind: instance method of Message

message.isFriendPickerMessage() ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#friend-picker

Kind: instance method of Message

message.isStickerMessage() ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#sticker

Kind: instance method of Message

message.isIsTypingMessage() ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#is-typing

Kind: instance method of Message

message.isDeliveryReceiptMessage() ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#receipts

Kind: instance method of Message

message.isReadReceiptMessage() ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#receipts

Kind: instance method of Message

message.isMention() ⇒ boolean

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#mentions

Kind: instance method of Message

message.toJSON() ⇒ object

Constructs a JSON payload ready to be sent to the bot messaging API

Kind: instance method of Message

message.addTextResponse(text) ⇒ Message

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#keyboards

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
text string

message.addResponseKeyboard(suggestions, [isHidden], [user]) ⇒ Message

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#keyboards

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
suggestions array
[isHidden] boolean
[user] string

message.setKikJsData(kikJsData) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
kikJsData object

message.setPicUrl(picUrl) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
picUrl string

message.setNoForward(noForward) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
noForward boolean

message.setIsTyping(isTyping) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
isTyping boolean

message.setMessageIds(messageIds) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
messageIds array

message.setBody(body) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
body string

message.setText(text) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
text string

message.setTitle(title) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
title string

message.setUrl(url) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
url string

message.setVideoUrl(videoUrl) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
videoUrl string

message.setDelay(delay) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
delay number

message.setTypeTime(typeTime) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
typeTime number

message.setAttributionName(attributionName) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
attributionName string

message.setAttributionIcon(attributionIcon) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
attributionIcon string

message.setLoop(loop) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
loop boolean

message.setMuted(muted) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
muted boolean

message.setAutoplay(autoplay) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
autoplay boolean

message.setNoSave(noSave) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
noSave boolean

message.setMention(mention) ⇒ Message

Kind: instance method of Message

Param Type
mention string

Message.text() ⇒ Message

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#text

Kind: static method of Message

Message.link() ⇒ Message

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#link

Kind: static method of Message

Message.picture() ⇒ Message

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#picture

Kind: static method of Message

Message.video() ⇒ Message

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#video

Kind: static method of Message

Message.isTyping() ⇒ Message

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#is-typing

Kind: static method of Message

Message.readReceipt() ⇒ Message

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#receipts

Kind: static method of Message

Message.fromJSON(json) ⇒ Message

Constructs a new {Message} object from a JSON-encoded payload See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs

Kind: static method of Message

Param Type
json object


new Bot.ResponseKeyboard([responses], [hidden], [to])

Param Type
[responses] array
[hidden] boolean
[to] string


let keyboard = new Bot.ResponseKeyboard(['Option 1', 'Option 2']);


let keyboard = new Bot.ResponseKeyboard(['Option 1', 'Option 2'], true, 'kikteam');

message.addResponse(response) ⇒ ResponseKeyboard

Kind: instance method of ResponseKeyboard

Param Type
response string | object


let keyboard = new Bot.ResponseKeyboard();
keyboard.addResponse(Bot.Response.friendPicker('Pick a friend'));
keyboard.addResponse('Option 1');
keyboard.addResponse('Option 2');


See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#kik-codes-api

Kind: global class

KikCode.Colors : enum

See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#kik-code-colors

Kind: static enum property of KikCode

Name Type Default Description
KikBlue number 0 #42B4E6
Turquoise number 1 #42DFD8
Mint number 2 #24D7A7
Forest number 3 #25912B
KikGreen number 4 #87D300
Sunshine number 5 #F8CB1C
OrangeCreamsicle number 6 #FC971B
BloodOrange number 7 #F9703A
CandyAppleRed number 8 #F7373C
Salmon number 9 #F88585
Coral number 10 #F767C3
Cranberry number 11 #940D65
Lavender number 12 #CB94FF
RoyalPurple number 13 #8737F8
Marine number 14 #353CD4
Steel number 15 #5D7687


See https://dev.kik.com/#/docs/messaging#suggested-response-keyboard

Kind: global class

Response.text(body) ⇒ Response

Kind: static method of Response

Param Type
body string

Response.friendPicker([body], [min], [max], [preselected]) ⇒ Response

Kind: static method of Response

Param Type Description
[body] string
[min] int
[max] int
[preselected] array array of strings

Response.picture(picUrl, metadata) ⇒ Response

Kind: static method of Response

Param Type
picUrl string
metadata object

Project by : Rohan Choudhary