
A real-time shareable GSQL editor, gives the users the power to collaborate while writing queries

Primary LanguageHTML

Shareable GSQL Editor

A shareable GSQL editor, gives the users the power to collaborate in real-time when writing GSQL queries. Submission for 2020 Graphathon @TigerGraph

Tech Stack

Python, JS, HTML, CSS, Flask-SocketIO

Getting Started

To clone this project, run the following command in your termimal.

git clone https://github.com/rohanshiva/sharable_gsql_editor.git

Then, navigate to your cloned repository's folder and run the following command to download the required libaries.

pip install requirements.txt

Finally, execute the following command to interact with this project.

python main.py

Thanks to Akash Kaul and Charles Shi for helping me build this project.

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