
Tool for finding out about LAA Digital architecture

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Prototype LAA architecture chat

LAA architecture documentation. Includes:

  • a Q&A demo that uses the Open AI API
  • documentation pages


To install the app:

  • Download or clone the repository
  • Run npm install in the project folder to install all modules and their dependencies

Local usage

Set API key

You will need to set an Open AI API key for the service to use.

  • Create an API Key if you don't already have one
  • Set the key as OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable

Run the app

To start the app:

Training data

When a Q&A question is submitted, the data in /docs is used as a prompt to help the language model in providing an answer. This allows the model to have LAA Digital contextual awareness and not just general knowledge when responding.

Important: if you want to update the training data, please note that this repository is public so don't add any sensitive or personal details!

To add or update content:

  • Either create a new markdown file in /docs or update an existing file
  • Use a meaningful name for the file and save as .md
  • The content should be in the format of questions and answers:
    • Each question should be prefixed with '###' and end with a '?'
    • Each answer should follow the question and not contain either '###' or '?' characters

Once you have added or updated the content, you will need to generate 'embedding' vectors that represent the semantic meaning of the content.

  • Run npm run prepare-embeddings in the project folder to start the app
  • This will generate embeddings for each of the content files and save them to embeddings.json. The script may take a few minutes to complete, since we need to respect rate limits with the Open AI API. A questions.json file will also be created to map the embedding vectors to their original questions.

When you next enter a question, the embeddings file will be searched for semantically similar content to the question. The most similar snippets will be sent to the Open AI language model as a contextual prompt together with the question.

Test fine-tuning a model

If you like, you can also play with fine-tuning a chatGPT model based on the training data provided. If you do, please read the Open AI fine-tuning documentation first, and expect the unexpected with results!

You will need Python 3 installed. You will then need to install the openai cli tool.

  • Run pip install --upgrade openai

Prepare training data (using the content in /docs):

  • Run npm run prepare-tuning in the project folder to create a file for GPT-3 tuning
  • Run openai tools fine_tunes.prepare_data -f tuning_data.jsonl in the project folder to analyse and format the tuning file

Train model:

  • Run openai api fine_tunes.create -t tuning_data_prepared.jsonl -m davinci --suffix "laa-architects"
  • Copy the model name returned by the above command
  • ...wait for the training to complete (it might be in a queue)

Test model:

  • Run openai api completions.create -m <MODEL_NAME> -p <YOUR_PROMPT> --stop=[" END"]

Update app to use the new model:

  • Set 'model' to the name of the new model in config.js

Slack integration

The app provides handling for a Slack response bot.

  • Create a Slack APP in your workspace, with events set to post to [URL-to-your-site]/slack/actions
  • Set the Bot User OAuth Token as SLACK_API_KEY environment variable
  • Set the Verification Token as SLACK_VERIFICATION_KEY environment variable