
Iot Client and Server app for sending and collecting temperature data

Primary LanguageGo

Kitty Monitor

Project Status: Beta


Kitty Monitor is a system for monitoring the temperature of a remote location.

  • For simplicity and cost-effectiveness, the internal board temperature of an Odroid C1+/C2 (buy at hardkernel.com or ameridroid.com) is the sensor used
  • The client is designed to run on a Ubuntu based operating system
  • The Odroid locally polls it's internal system temperature and saves it to a SQLite database (typically every 2mins)
  • The Odroid sends any unsent readings to the server (typically every 4mins)
  • The server collects and displays these readings in a webserver
  • There is much more that can be done on the webserver side, but displaying raw readings for now: http://gonotes.net:9080/q/all/l/20
  • The temperature provided is not an exact reading of ambient temperature, but an indication in case of say failure of an airconditioning unit

Getting Setup


Get Go for your operating system: http://golang.org/dl/ and install.

Getting and Building KittyMonitor

# cd to the directory of your choice then clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/rohanthewiz/kitty_mon.git
cd kitty_mon

If Changes required to the Template

You will need the ego package to make changes to the template files Install it with

go get github.com/benbjohnson/ego/...  # yes the three dots at the end are necessary

If you make changes to an ego template file, you will need to 'compile' it before the main build. For example if you updated query.ego you will need to run

$GOPATH/bin/ego -package main  # compile the template before doing 'go build'

COMPILE with Docker

  • Build the compiler docker image: docker build -f Dockerfile.compile -t go:compiler .
  • Use a container to cross-compile to amd64 linux: docker run --rm -v "$HOME/<path/to/kitty_mon/project>:root" -w /root -e GOOS=linux -e GOARCH=amd64 -e CGO_ENABLED=1 go:compiler go build -v -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o app .

Standard compile

# You need a C compiler that can build sqlite.
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build # this will produce the executable 'kitty_mon' in the current directory

Copy the app executable where needed. Example: scp app user@myserver.net:bin/kitty_mon

Using KittyMonitor

Note that the single compiled binary can operate as server or client. KittyMonitor launches a goroutine that polls system board temperature of the Odroid.

The main thread continues in an infinite loop to:

  1. poll temperature every 2 mins
  2. connect to the server every 4 mins and send any unsent readings (up to a limit).

Usage info: kitty_mon -h

Get the server's secret token (you'll need to copy the token unto the client)

./kitty_mon -get_server_secret # => 9A7blahblah123...

Starting the Gob/Web Server

$ ./kitty_mon

Starting the Client in Development mode (Readings every 8s. The server_secret is from above)

$ ./kitty_mon -synch_client ServerNameOrIP -server_secret 9A7blahblah123...

Starting the Client in Production mode (Readings every 2 minutes)

$ ./kitty_mon -synch_client ServerNameOrIP -server_secret 9A7blahblah123... -env prod

(The secret code is only needed the first time the client talks to the server)

Monitor Raw data

In a browser go to http://ServerNameOrIP:9080 See my example at http://gonotes.net:9080

Listing Readings

/q/:query/l/:limit # replace :limit with a numeric limit


    http://localhost:8080/q/all/l/60 # List 60 readings

You will be able to delete (soon) by clicking the title of the reading. This takes you to single reading view. From there you can click the 'Delete' link

Other Options

-h -- List available options with defaults
-db "" -- Sqlite DB path. KittyMon will try to create the database 'kitty_mon.sqlite' in your home directory by default
-l "-1" -- Limit the number of readings returned - default: -1 (no limit)
-admin="" -- Privileged actions like 'delete_tables' (drops the readings table)

Local Testing

For testing you can run a client and server on the same machine, just use different databases Example:

# Start the server with the default database
# Start the client with test.sqlite
./kitty_mon -db test.sqlite -synch_client localhost -node_name TestClient
# View at localhost:9080

If no readings are listed then your workstation may not support internal temperature reporting. That's okay, the Odroid C1/C2 do!


  • A lot since we are in Beta
  • Summarization, graphs, dashboard
  • SMS Alerts
  • Token based auth webserver mode
  • Allow instructions for the client (example: reboot, delete n readings)


  • There is a great article on ego at http://blog.gopheracademy.com/advent-2014/ego/
  • gcc is required to compile SQLite. On Windows you can get 64bit MinGW here http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/download.php. Install it and make sure to add the bin directory to your path (Could not get this to work with Windows 8.1, Windows 7 did work though)
  • For less typing, you might want to do 'go build -o km' (km.exe on Windows) to produce the executable 'km'
  • This is a sweet way to learn a modern, highly performant language - The Go Programming Language using a database with an ORM (object relational manager) while building a useful tool! I recommend using git to checkout an early version of kitty_mon so you can start out simple
  • Firefox has a great addon called SQLite Manager which you can use to peek into the database file
  • Feel free to create a pull request if you'd like to pitch in.
