
Primary LanguagePython

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Regulator is a text-based tool to decode and annotate register dumps. The main focus is on minimal user interaction and an expressive layout definition.

From this hex dump (as produced by memedit):

->map 0x2600000 0x200000
mapping offset 0x02600000 (size 0x200000)
->md 0x0 0x100
00000000: 00000761 00000000 00000000 00000000 a...............

And this layout definition:

    size: 0xe8
    word_size: 4
      r32 IPUx_CONF:
          u1 00: CSI0_EN
          u1 01: CSI1_EN
          u1 02: IC_EN
          u1 03: IRT_EN
          u1 05: DP_EN
          u1 06: DI0_EN
          u1 07: DI1_EN
          u1 08: SMFC_EN
          u1 09: DC_EN
          u1 10: DMFC_EN
          u1 28:
            name: CSI0_DATA_SOURCE
              0: Parallel interface is connected to CSI0
              1: MCT (MIPI) is connected to CSI0
      r32 IPUx_SISG_CTRL0:
          u1 00: VSYNC_RST_CNT
          u3 01…03: NO_VSYNC_2_STRT_CNT
      r32 0x00: IPUx_CONF
      r32 0x04: IPUx_SISG_CTRL0
  IPU_Base 0x2600000: IPU1_Base

Regulator produces this output:

parser base set to 0x2600000
02600000: 00000761 -------- -------- -------- # IPUx_CONF
02600000: 00       = ...0_...._...._...._...._...._...._.... # CSI0_DATA_SOURCE: 0 = Parallel interface is connected to CSI0
02600000:     07   = ...._...._...._...._...._.1.._...._.... # DMFC_EN: 1
02600000:     07   = ...._...._...._...._...._..1._...._.... # DC_EN: 1
02600000:     07   = ...._...._...._...._...._...1_...._.... # SMFC_EN: 1
02600000:       61 = ...._...._...._...._...._...._0..._.... # DI1_EN: 0
02600000:       61 = ...._...._...._...._...._...._.1.._.... # DI0_EN: 1
02600000:       61 = ...._...._...._...._...._...._..1._.... # DP_EN: 1
02600000:       61 = ...._...._...._...._...._...._...._0... # IRT_EN: 0
02600000:       61 = ...._...._...._...._...._...._...._.0.. # IC_EN: 0
02600000:       61 = ...._...._...._...._...._...._...._..0. # CSI1_EN: 0
02600000:       61 = ...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...1 # CSI0_EN: 1
02600000: -------- 00000000 -------- -------- # IPUx_SISG_CTRL0
02600004:       00 = ...._...._...._...._...._...._...._000. # NO_VSYNC_2_STRT_CNT: 0
02600004:       00 = ...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...0 # VSYNC_RST_CNT: 0


Currently none, except for this README.


Send a pull request.


Install the dependencies:

$ sudo apt install libgirepository1.0-dev

Clone the git repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/jluebbe/regulator

Create and activate a virtualenv for regulator:

$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install regulator into the virtualenv:

$ pip install pygobject
$ pip install -e .

Then there are several ways to start regulator:

  1. Pass the hexdump on stdin:

    $ regulator input your-layoutfile.yaml < your-hexdump
  2. Decode the content of a file every time it changes on disk:

    $ regulator log your-layoutfile.yaml the-file-to-watch
  3. Decode the contents of the primary clipboard selection buffer every time it changes:

    $ regulator selection your-layoutfile.yaml

Example layout files can be found in the layouts/ folder.

Tests can be run via:

$ tox