Please unzip the file and follow the following instructions:

##Running the Scheduler You will see an executable called scheduler. In order to invoke it type the command below.

./scheduler <file.json>

file.json is the json file containing the list of classes along with their prerequisites. Here is an example of what the file should look like:

        "name": "Algebra 1",
        "prerequisites": ["Arithmetic"]
        "name": "Geometry",
        "prerequisites": []
        "name": "Arithmetic",
        "prerequisites": ["Algebra 1"]
        "name": "Algebra 2",
        "prerequisites": ["Algebra 1", "Geometry"]
        "name": "Pre Calculus",
        "prerequisites": ["Algebra 2"]
        "name": "Algebra 0",
        "prerequisites": []
        "name": "Calculus 1",
        "prerequisites": ["Pre Calculus", "Algebra 2", "Algebra 1", "Geometry", "Arithmetic"]

The output of the scheduler will be the order in which classes should be taken such that all prerequisites are met.

###Running the tests

The tests for the project are defined under the directory ./tests. To run the tests you will need yarn.

Invoke the executable ./test_runner to run the test suite. ./test_runner will install the required dependencies and run the tests.

###Designing the Algorithm Since the problem had to do with scheduling, topological sort was the most efficient and obvious algorithm that would give the desired results with a time complexity of O(V + E) with V being the number of classes and E being the total number of prerequisites.

Take a look at index.js before reading further.

Setting up for the topological sort:

  1. The module arrayToDAG exposes a method getDAG that takes the input class list and converts it into a Directed Acyclic Graph.
  2. The module queue exposes a method newQueue that takes an array and returns the queue initialized with that array. The returned queue has the following methods on it to enqueue, dequeue, and length.

Topological Sort:

  1. Lastly, the module topologicalSort provides a way to sort the DAG returned by arrayToDAG.

    getSortedArray accepts a DAG which is an object that has a key for each node, and the value is an object that has the name, an inDegree of the node and a list of next nodes. An eg. { name: 'Arithmetic', inDegree: 1, next: [] }


    The return value is an array containing the ordered list of classes.

###Time Complexity

The time complexity for this algorithm is O(|V| + |E|), with V being the total number of Nodes and E being the total number of edges.