
Learning to visualize Mhor's Circle Concept.

Primary LanguagePython


Learning to visualize Mhor's Circle Concept.

What is Mhor's Circle?

Mohr's circle is a graphical representation of the transformation equations for plane stress problems. It is useful in visualizing the relationships between normal and shear stresses acting on a stress element at any desired orientation.

Mohr's circle is often used in calculations relating to mechanical engineering for materials' strength, geotechnical engineering for strength of soils, and structural engineering for strength of built structures. It is also used for calculating stresses in many planes by reducing them to vertical and horizontal components. These are called principal planes in which principal stresses are calculated; Mohr's circle can also be used to find the principal planes and the principal stresses in a graphical representation, and is one of the easiest ways to do so.

After performing a stress analysis on a material body assumed as a continuum, the components of the Cauchy stress tensor at a particular material point are known with respect to a coordinate system. The Mohr circle is then used to determine graphically the stress components acting on a rotated coordinate system, i.e., acting on a differently oriented plane passing through that point.