General Agent Module


This module contains some common approaches for building Forta Agents. You will also find some tools for writing tests for these agents. These approaches can be composed for creating more complex agents or used only for checking without returning their findings.


  • Using npm: npm i forta-agent-tools


  • Clone the repo
  • npm install
  • npm run test

General Types

There are multiple types used across all the modules.

  • metadataVault

    This type works as a store for every data that is passed to the FindingGenerator. It is a dict with string as keys and any type in its values.

  • FindingGenerator

    All the approaches receive a function with this type. This function will be in charge of creating the Findings when the agent's conditions are met. This function can receive a metadataVault as a parameter where finding relevant information will be passed, this information can be used for creating more informative findings. This type is an alias for (metadata?: metadataVault) => Finding. The information set in the metadataVault for every approach will be described in the approach documentation.

  • CallParams

    This is an object containing two properties, an inputs array and an outputs array.


- Function Call Detector Handler

This approach detects method calls on Smart Contracts. You need to provide the signature of the method you want to detect. You can also provide options for specifying extra filters, such as "what account made the call" or "what contract was called".

How to use it

import { provideFunctionCallsDetectorHandler } from "forta-agent-tools";

const handler = provideFunctionCallsDetectorHandler (findingGenerator, functionSignature, handlerOptions?);


  • findingGenerator: The purpose of this argument was explained in the "General Types" section. The function provided as an argument will receive a metadataVault with the keys:
    • from: The account calling the method.
    • to: The Smart Contract called.
    • functionSelector: The function selector of the transaction (The keccak256 hash of the signature of the function being called).
    • arguments: The arguments used for calling the function.
  • functionSignature: The signature of the method you want to detect.
  • handlerOptions: This is an optional argument, it contains extra information for adding extra filtering to your detections. It is a JS object with the following optional properties:
    • from: If provided, the approach will only detect method calls from the specified account.
    • to: If provided, the approach will only detect method calls to the specified Smart Contract.
    • filterOnArguments: This is a predicate receiving an array with the arguments used for calling the function. If provided, the approach will only detect method calls with arguments fitting with the passed predicate.

- Event Checker Handler

This approach detects events emitted. You need to provide the signature of the event you want to detect. You can also provide other arguments for specifying extra filters as "who emitted the event" or manually adding a specific filtering function.

How to use it

import { provideEventCheckerHandler } from "forta-agent-tools";

const handler = provideEventCheckerHandler(findingGenerator, eventSignature, address?, filter?);


  • findingGenerator: The purpose of this argument was explained in the "General Types" section. The function provided as an argument will receive a metadataVault with the keys:
    • eventFragment: An ethers.js EventFragment object related to the specific event.
    • name: The event name.
    • signature: The event signature.
    • topic: The topic hash.
    • args: The event input parameter values (both index-based and key-based access based on parameter order and names).
    • address: The log originating address.
  • eventSignature: The event signature to be detected.
  • address: If provided, the approach will only detect events emitted from the specified account.
  • filter: If provided, the approach will only detect events that are not discarded by the filter. This function has the type (log: LogDescription, index?: number, array?: LogDescription[]) => boolean, it will be used as an argument for the common filter arrays function.

- ETH Transfer Handler

This approach detects ETH transfers. You can also provide more arguments for specifying extra filters, such as "who made the transfer", "who is the receiver", and a minimum amount for detecting transfers.

How to use it

import { provideETHTransferHandler } from "forta-agent-tools";

const handler = provideETHTransferHandler(findingGenerator, agentOptions?);


  • findingGenerator: The purpose of this argument was explained in the "General Types" section. The function provided as an argument will receive a metadataVault with the keys:
    • from: The account making the transfer.
    • to: The account receiving the transfer.
    • amount: The amount of eth sent in wei.
  • agentOptions: This is an optional argument, it contains extra information for adding extra filtering to your detections. It is a JS object with the following optional properties:
    • from: If provided, the approach will only detect transfers from the specified account.
    • to: If provided, the approach will only detect transfers to the specified account.
    • valueThreshold: If provided, the approach will only detect transfers with a greater or equal amount of eth in wei.

- ERC20 Transfer Handler

This approach detects ERC-20 transfers. You will need to provide the address of the ERC-20 contract you want to detect transfers of. You can also provide more arguments for specifying extra filters, such as "who made the transfer", "who is the receiver of the transfer", and a minimum amount for detecting transfers.

How to use it

import { provideERC20TransferHandler } from "forta-agent-tools";

const handler = provideERC20TransferHandler(findingGenerator,  tokenAddress, agentOptions?);


  • findingGenerator: The purpose of this argument was explained in the "General Types" section. The function provided as an argument will receive a metadataVault with the keys:
    • from: The account making the transfer.
    • to: The account receiving the transfer.
    • amount: The number of tokens sent.
  • tokenAddress: The address of the ERC-20 contract you want to detect transfers of.
  • agentOptions: This is an optional argument, it contains extra information for adding extra filtering to your detections. It is a JS object with the following optional properties:
    • from: If provided, the approach will only detect transfers from the specified account.
    • to: If provided, the approach will only detect transfers to the specified account.
    • valueThreshold: If provided, the approach will only detect transfers with a greater or equal number of tokens.

- Blacklisted Addresses Handler

This approach detects transactions involving at least one blacklisted address. You will need to provide a list with the addresses you want to blacklist.

How to use it

import { provideBlacklistedAddressesHandler } from "forta-agent-tools";

const agent = provideBlacklistedAddressesHandler(findingGenerator, blacklistedAddressesList);


  • findingGenerator: The purpose of this argument was explained in the "General Types" section. The function provided as an argument will receive a metadataVault with the key:
    • addresses: The list of blacklisted addresses involved in the transaction.
  • blacklistedAddressesList: The list of blacklisted addresses.

- Potential Exploiters Detector Handler

This approach detects transactions when an address funded from Tornado Cash deploys a contract that contains suspicious hex strings. You need to provide the signature of the event, a list of Tornado Cash addresses and a list of suspicious hex strings.

How to use it

import { providePotentialExploiterHandler } from "forta-agent-tools";
const handler = providePotentialExploiterHandler (findingGenerator, tornadoAddressesList, eventSignature, suspiciousHexStrings);


  • findingGenerator: The purpose of this argument was explained in the "General Types" section. The function provided as an argument will receive a metadataVault with the keys:
    • from: The account calling the transfer.
    • contractAddress: The address of the contract deployed by the tornado funded address.
  • tornadoAddressesList: The list of Tornado cash addresses involved in the transaction.
  • eventSignature: The event signature to be detected.
  • suspiciousHexStrings: The list of suspicious hex strings to be searched in deployed contract code.



This is a helper class for creating TransactionEvents using the fluent interface pattern.

How to use it

import { TestTransactionEvent } from "forta-agent-tools/lib/tests";

const txEvent: TransactionEvent = new TestTransactionEvent().setFrom(address1).setTo(address2);

There are multiple methods you can use for creating the exact TransactionEvent you want:

  • setFrom(address) This method sets the transaction.from field in the event.
  • setTo(address) This method sets the field in the event.
  • setGas(value) This method sets the transaction.gas field in the event.
  • setGasPrice(value) This method sets the transaction.gasPrice field in the event.
  • setValue(value) This method sets the transaction.value field in the event.
  • setData(data) This method sets the field in the event.
  • setGasUsed(value) This method sets the receipt.gasUsed field in the event.
  • setStatus(status) This method sets the receipt.status field in the event.
  • setTimestamp(timestamp) This method sets the block.timestamp field in the event.
  • setBlock(block) This method sets the block.number field in the event.
  • addEventLog(eventSignature, address, data, topics) This method adds a log to the receipt.logs field. The only mandatory argument is the eventSignature, address argument is the zero address by default, topics is a spread list with the indexed event arguments, and data is the empty string by default.

    The keccak256 hash of the signature is added at the beginning of the topics list automatically.

  • addAnonymousEventLog(address, data, topics) This method adds a log to the receipt.logs field. address argument is the zero address by default, topics is a spread list with the indexed event arguments, and data is the empty string by default.
  • addInterfaceEventLog(event, address, inputs) This method adds a log to the receipt.logs field. event is an ethers.utils.EventFragment instance, address argument is the zero address by default, inputs argument is an array of event parameter values and is an empty array by default.
  • addInvolvedAddresses(addresses) This method adds a spread list of addresses to addresses field.
  • addTrace(traceProps) This method adds a list of Trace objects at the end of traces field in the event. The traces are created from the traceProps spread list.

    TraceProps is a TS object with the following optional fields { to, from, input, output }.


This is a helper class for creating BlockEvents using the fluent interface pattern.

How to use it

import { TestBlockEvent } from "forta-agent-tools/lib/tests";

const blockEvent: BlockEvent = new TestBlockEvent().setHash(blockHash).setNumber(blockNumber);

There are multiple methods you can use for creating the exact BlockEvent you want:

  • setHash(blockHash) This method sets the block.hash field in the event.
  • setNumber(blockNumber) This method sets the block.number field in the event.
  • addTransactions(txns) This method adds the hashes of a spread list of transaction events at the end of block.transactions field in the event.
  • addTransactionsHashes(hashes) This method adds a hashes spread list to the end of block.transactions field in the event.


This is a helper function to simulate the execution of run block cli command when the agent has implemented a handleTransaction and a handleBlock.

How to use it

import { runBlock } from "forta-agent-tools/lib/tests";

async myFunction(params) => {
  const findings: Findings[] = await runBlock(agent, block, tx1, tx2, tx3, ..., txN);

Parameters description:

  • agent: It is a JS object with two properties, handleTransaction and handleBlock.
  • block: It is the BlockEvent that the agent will handle.
  • tx#: These are the TransactionEvent objects asociated with the BlockEvent that the agent will handle.


This is a helper class for mocking the ethers.providers.Provider class.

Basic usage:

import { 
} from "forta-agent-tools/lib/tests";
import { utils, Contract } from "ethers";

const iface: utils.Interface =  new utils.Interface([
  "function myAwersomeFunction(uint256 param1, string param2) extenal view returns (unit8 id, uint256 val)"

const address: string = createAddress("0xf00");
const data: string = createAddress("0xda7a");

const mockProvider: MockEthersProvider = new MockEthersProvider()
    address, 20, iface,
    { inputs:[10, "tests"], outputs:[1, 2000]},
  .addStorage(address, 5, 15, encodeParameter("address", data));

How to use it

This mock provides some methods to set up the values that the provider should return:

  • addCallTo(contract, block, iface, id, { inputs, outputs }). This method prepares a call to the contract address at the specified block, where iface is the ethers.utils.Interface object relative to the contract, id is the identifier of the function to call, inputs are the parameters passed in the call and outputs are the values the call should return.
  • addCallFrom(contract, from, block, iface, id, { inputs, outputs }). Similar to addCallTo but only the from will be able to call the function.
  • addStorage(contract, slot, block, result). This method prepares the value stored in the specific slot of contract address in the given block to be result.
  • addBlock(blockNumber, block). This method prepares the block with number blockNumber to be block.
  • setLatestBlock(block). This method allows you to set up what the number of the latest block in the provider is.
  • addSigner(addr). This function prepares a valid signer for the given address that uses the provider being used.
  • addFilteredLogs(filter, logs). This method allows you to set up the logs returned by the provider given a filter.
  • clear(). This function clears all the mocked data.

All the data you set in the provider will be used until the clear function is called.


This is a helper class for mocking the ethers.providers.JsonRpcSigner class. This class extends MockEthersProvider.

Basic usage:

import { 
} from "forta-agent-tools/lib/tests";
import { utils, Contract } from "ethers";

const iface: utils.Interface =  new utils.Interface([
  "function myAwersomeFunction(uint256 param1, string param2)"

const address: string = createAddress("0xf00");
const contract: string = createAddress("0xda0");

const mockProvider: MockEthersProvider = new MockEthersProvider();
const mockSigner: MockEthersSigner = new MockEthersSigner(mockProvider)
    address, contract, iface,
    "myAwersomeFunction", [20, "twenty"]
    { confirmations: 42 }, // receipt data

How to use it

This mock provides some methods to set up the values that the signer should return:

  • setAddress(address). This method sets the address that the signer can sign.
  • allowTransaction(from, to, iface, id, inputs). This method prepares a txn sent to to and signed from from. The transaction is meant to call the method id taken from the iface of the to contract passing the inputs as parameters. receipt will be the receipt returned by the transaction.
  • denyTransaction(from, to, iface, id, inputs, msg). Same conditions of allowTransaction but in this case the transaction will be reverted with msg message.

All the data you set in the signer will be used until the clear function is called.