Given JSON Dataset of Nobel Prize winners, create a program which will load the information from the JSON file (see the link below) and allow a user to:
Search a Nobel prize winner by name
Find out Nobel prize winner in a year input by him
Search Prize winner based on the year and category (Peace/Chemistry/Physics etc...)
Show a list of all Winners in Alphabetical order (With year and category against the name)
Link to the data:
Expected outcome:
- You can use any programming language (Java/Python/JavaScript).
- You can download the data and store it locally in your program.
- Build 4 APIs / services for each of the operations listed above.
- Check in the code in GitHub and send us the link to the repository.
- Optional: Write unit tests for the code if time permits.
- Document the instructions to run and execute the code.
NPM Packages:
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- Optional: Create a ".env" file and give the PORT number to run the server on that port. (Default PORT: 3000)
- To start the server locally
npm start
- To run the test cases
npm test
Nobel Prize APIs:
To search a Nobel Prize winner by name
GET: http://localhost:3000/searchbyfirstname/{fname}
To find out Nobel Prize winners in a year
GET: http://localhost:3000/searchbyyear/{year}
Search Nobel Prize winner based on the year and category
Replace the year and category fields
GET: http://localhost:3000/search/?year=2018&category=physics
To retrieve all winners in alphabetical order along with year and category
GET: http://localhost:3000/showall
I thank SummitMinds for this opportunity