
events booking application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

make folder with name events-client. then follow these three steps

  1. run git clone https://github.com/rohitchouhan35/events-client.git

    link for api is in services/eventData change api link according to your local setup by default it, const GET_URL = 'http://localhost/allevents/list-all-events.php'; const POST_URL = 'http://localhost/allevents/add-new-events.php';

            this link will be valid when backend folder named "allevents" in "htdocs" in xampp
             also run MySQL and create database named allevents -> further instruction is given on this url which is for backend https://github.com/rohitchouhan35/events-server
  2. npm install

  3. npm start

make sure the application run on" http://localhost:3000"

this is deployed link just for frontend: [events-server(https://eventsaroundyou.netlify.app/)]

Video demo: youtube link (https://youtu.be/sMwDMHhc-gA)