
A repo for programs written for operating systems course lab

Primary LanguageC++

👋 Hi , this is a repo of my Operating Systems course lab

It has all the C/C++ implementations of the assignments handed out during the course.

A brief about the Assignments :

  • ASSIGNMENT - 1 :

    A program for simulating system calls such as grep, cp, ls using fork and exec.

  • ASSIGNMENT - 2 :

    A program for opening and reading from a directory.

  • ASSIGNMENT - 3 :

    Programs implementing various CPU scheduling algorithms such as FCFS, SJF, SRTF, Prioriy Based.

  • ASSIGNMENT - 4 :

    A program for priority based round-robin algorithm.

  • ASSIGNMENT - 5 :

    A program for implementing two way communication using pipes and implementing redirection.

  • ASSIGNMENT - 6 :

    Solving the reader-writer synchronization problem using semaphores.

  • ASSIGNMENT - 7 :

    Solving the reader-writer synchronization problem using semaphore and mutex lock.

  • ASSIGNMENT - 8 :

    Implementation of Banker's Algorithm and Resource Allocation Algorithm.

  • ASSIGNMENT - 9 :

    Implementation of Memory Allocation algorithms (Best-Fit, Next-Fit, Best-Fit, Worst-Fit)

  • ASSIGNMENT - 10 :

    Program for Page replacement algorithms (LRU, Optimal etc)

  • ASSIGNMENT - 12 :

    Program for disk scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, CSCAN, LOOK, CLOOK)

Use the following command to compile any program using the pthreads library gcc -pthread file_name.c

For all others gcc file_name.c or g++ file_name.cpp would do

Feel free to suggest any issues or changes.