A tool that creates Cumulative Flow, Histogram, and Control charts for Kanban systems based off of a Google Spread Sheet.
- Loads /config.json
- Loads the Configuration from your Google Spread Sheet that you have defined
- Fires a $broadcast event to other chart's controllers for them to draw their chart
You have two options to run LeanSheets:
- Download either the .zip or the tar.gz
- If you choose this option you can skip the steps of installing Git and running "git clone" in the below instructions.
- Clone the Git repo.
- If you choose this step follow all the below instructions.
Installation instructions:
See the video here:
Download and Install the following
Nodejs - http://www.nodejs.org
Click the “Install” button on the page
Git - https://git-scm.com/downloads
Click on the OS you use
Once these two programs are installed do the following steps:
If you are running Windows make sure to run the "GIT Bash" program from your Start menu. This will get you the command prompt you will need to run the below commands.
If you are running Mac you will want to run the following commands from your "Terminal."
cmd> git clone https://github.com/paulsjv/leansheets.git
cmd> cd leansheets
cmd> npm install -g bower <may have to run as root>
cmd> npm install -g grunt-cli <may have to run as root>
cmd> npm install grunt
cmd> bower install
cmd> npm install
cmd> grunt run
Open the link in your browser:
Choose a date between 11/1/2014 and 4/31/2015. See the Google Sheet here for the data your local instance is currently running.
Update the ./src/config.json file to be like below (Google Sheet is the demo when you first run and lauch LeanSheets in your browser). Make sure you change the key and the gid in the URL. Also, depending on what version of Google Sheets you are running the URL might be slightly different. If you can not figure it out please open an issue on the github page.
"sheets": {
"Sheet: Demo Team": {
"configUrl": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12cvMUMnWEKynGTsyXQywvJ9drpjYAyyo0-2cnTUJSFw/edit?gid=44020743",
"dataUrl": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12cvMUMnWEKynGTsyXQywvJ9drpjYAyyo0-2cnTUJSFw/edit?gid=497466409"
"debugEnabled": true,
"showAllWork": true,
"cacheTtl": 300,
"datePickerFormat": "mm/dd/yyyy",
"datePickerMomentFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY",
"queryDateMomentFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"defaultHistoricalNumberOfDays": 60
Coming Soon