for mac

xcode-select --install

dependencies on software

postgres 14 (for commands pg_restore and dropdb)

working versions

node 16.15.1 npm 8.11.0

package setup

npm install

run locally

npm run electron:serve

to build

npm run build:publish

following steps are obsolete

Setup on windows

  1. Download Node.js
  2. Download Postgresql
  3. Download Visual Studio Community 2019 - download windows 10 Sdk + MSVC v141 2017
  4. Download PgAdmin4 v4.3.
  5. Run the following commands in terminal:
    • npm install -g node-gyp
    • npm install -g postgresql
    • npm install -g pg
    • npm install -g win-node-env

Enviroment variables setup

  • Add PostgreSQL bin to envrioment variable

    Go to enviroment variables -> Path -> New -> C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\bin

  • Add SET NODE_ENV=development

converting docker run application to desktop electron app npm install nativefier -g nativefier --name "HTAP" "http://localhost:8080"

Code signing on mac

check valid identities with: security find-identity -v -p codesigning

to setup certs: a. install x-code. settings -> accounts -> login with H3O account details (ANIL can provide) b. create new mac distribution cert if it is not already saved in your keychain c. export the cert and double click the downloaded cert to install to keychain. Should appear under System folder. d. install root and intermediate certs from here: root: intermediate:

check valid identities should show output as follows:

  1. F574568F4719599346BB75F09D69C9DCCD1F4ECD "Apple Distribution: H3O Labs, LLC (QU9F229J64)"