Intordution : Project Description : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Project is a simple Search a Restaurant using JAVA FX. By using this application we can do the following operations: * Admin/ User can add a restaurant by providing all the neccessary inforamtion. * User can search for a restaurant based on Name and city where the restaurant located. * User can provide his rating to the particular restaurant by selecting it form the list of restaurants. * User can delete the Restaurant by selecting the row from list of restaurants. * At any time user can see all the restaurant by clicking on Search All restaurants Techonologies used : * JAVA FX (For GUI) * My SQL ( For databse) Tools Used : * Scene Builder * Eclipse * DataBase Visualizer Steps to execute : * Frist install Eclipse with JAVA 1.8 and add the neccessary jar files for creating and running a JAVA Fx project * Import the project into workspace. * Install MySql, run it.Provide neccessary info to login into database such as password. * Execute all the commands listed in Restaurant_DB_Final.sql file * If you large amount of data say millions of rows then create index otherwise it is not neccessary * Now you have some data in a database Rest_db * Once Java FX is configured with Eclipse.Open the main.class in restaurant package and run it. * Now you can see the GUI . You can proceed with your operation .