Reddit Scrubber

A Python 3 - serverless app that runs periodically on AWS Lambda to delete old content of yours from Reddit.

Architecture and Overview

This project is built using the serverless framework. The application stack is deployed with the help of a CloudFormation template - some of which is defined it the serverless.yml file.

A CloudWatch Scheduled Event triggers the Lambda function periodically at an interval as defined in serverless.yml. is the entry point for the execution of this app.

The user's credentials are read from the file credentials.ini, to instantiate a PRAW object which is used to communicate with Reddit.

Configuration of when and which content to delete are read from the file config.yaml. Some default rules are hardcoded (all content older than 7 days) in the codebase to ensure that the application can be deployed with minimal configuration.

Getting started

  • Install serverless, serverless-python-requirements and docker (it is a requirement for the plugin to work correctly). These, and many other useful commands can be found in docs/
  • Copy the contents of example-credentials.ini to credentials.ini and fill it in. If this is your first time using a PRAW based app, PRAW documentation will help you configure the file. This file name has been added to .gitignore so that you don't have to worry about accidentally adding your credentials to git history.
  • Copy the contents of example-config.yaml to config.yaml and extend it to set up your own rules on when content should be deleted.
  • Deploy the app using the command sls deploy -v.

Potential Future Enhancements

  • Store metrics of content deleted
  • Send a periodic email notification with these metrics