A server side alternative implementation of socket.io in PHP based on Workerman.
The socket extension implements a low-level interface to the socket communication functions based on the popular BSD sockets, providing the possibility to act as a socket server as well as a client.
For a more generic client-side socket interface, see stream_socket_client(), stream_socket_server(), fsockopen(), and pfsockopen().
When using these functions, it is important to remember that while many of them have identical names to their C counterparts, they often have different declarations. Please
be sure to read the descriptions to avoid confusion.
Only support socket.io v1.3.0 or greater.
This project is just translate socket.io by workerman.
More api just see http://socket.io/docs/server-api/
composer require workerman/phpsocket.io
use Workerman\Worker;
use PHPSocketIO\SocketIO;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Listen port 2021 for socket.io client
$io = new SocketIO(2021);
$io->on('connection', function ($socket) use ($io) {
$socket->on('chat message', function ($msg) use ($io) {
$io->emit('chat message', $msg);
use Workerman\Worker;
use PHPSocketIO\SocketIO;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Listen port 2020 for socket.io client
$io = new SocketIO(2020);
$io->on('connection', function ($socket) {
$socket->addedUser = false;
// When the client emits 'new message', this listens and executes
$socket->on('new message', function ($data) use ($socket) {
// We tell the client to execute 'new message'
$socket->broadcast->emit('new message', array(
'username' => $socket->username,
'message' => $data
// When the client emits 'add user', this listens and executes
$socket->on('add user', function ($username) use ($socket) {
global $usernames, $numUsers;
// We store the username in the socket session for this client
$socket->username = $username;
// Add the client's username to the global list
$usernames[$username] = $username;
$socket->addedUser = true;
$socket->emit('login', array(
'numUsers' => $numUsers
// echo globally (all clients) that a person has connected
$socket->broadcast->emit('user joined', array(
'username' => $socket->username,
'numUsers' => $numUsers
// When the client emits 'typing', we broadcast it to others
$socket->on('typing', function () use ($socket) {
$socket->broadcast->emit('typing', array(
'username' => $socket->username
// When the client emits 'stop typing', we broadcast it to others
$socket->on('stop typing', function () use ($socket) {
$socket->broadcast->emit('stop typing', array(
'username' => $socket->username
// When the user disconnects, perform this
$socket->on('disconnect', function () use ($socket) {
global $usernames, $numUsers;
// Remove the username from global usernames list
if ($socket->addedUser) {
// echo globally that this client has left
$socket->broadcast->emit('user left', array(
'username' => $socket->username,
'numUsers' => $numUsers
(phpsocket.io>=1.1.1 && workerman>=3.3.7 required)
use Workerman\Worker;
use PHPSocketIO\SocketIO;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// SSL context
$context = array(
'ssl' => array(
'local_cert' => '/your/path/of/server.pem',
'local_pk' => '/your/path/of/server.key',
'verify_peer' => false
$io = new SocketIO(2021, $context);
$io->on('connection', function ($connection) use ($io) {
echo "New connection coming\n";
cd examples/chat
php start.php start
for debug mode
php start.php start -d
for daemon mode
php start.php stop
php start.php status