This guide is for me and anyone else that stumbles across it.
Selecting the appropriate data structure for a problem is usually the hardest part. Once you have a data structure (or variation of a data structure) in mind, actually implementing the solution is pretty straightforward. So, I think the best way to optimize for time when preparing for interviews is to recognize the different classes of problems and the respective data structures/algorithms required to solve these problems.
Here are some canonical problems and their classes listed in order of importance:
- Generate all permutations of a string
- Generate all unique permutations of a string
- Insert operands in a mathematical expression to maximize the expression's value
- 24 game (
- Generate powerset
- Generate all sets of n balanced parentheses
- Given a keypad, a list of possible words, and a phone number, return all possible words in the dictionary that can be constructed from the phone number
- Generate all valid IP addreses from a string of integers
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Number of ways to make change
- Maximal square of 1's in a matrix of 1's and 0's
- Number of ways to reach point b from point a in a matrix
- Min cost path from point b to point a in a matrix (product and sum)
- Number of islands in a matrix (number of connected components)
- Largest island in a matrix (largest connected component)
- Reconstruct itinerary (
- Word ladder
- Detect cycle in a graph
- Shortest path through a matrix maze
- Single source shortest path (bellman ford)
- Word Search (,
- Find Missing Number from a sorted list
- Find 2 Missing Numbers from a sorted list
- Set intersection of two lists without set operations
- Maximum contigous subarray sum
- Maximum contiguous subarray product
- Merge from mergesort
- 2 Sum, 3 Sum
- Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- Longest Substring with 2 distint characters
- Meeting rooms
- Return product of all numbers in a list except for it without using division
- Longest subarray with euqal number of letters and numbers
- Return start and end index of a contiguous subarray with sum of zero
- Convert a BST into a doubly linked list
- Inorder successor
- Invert a binary tree
- Path sum
- Autocomplete (trie)
- Given a tree, return a list of linked lists of dpeths
- Check if a tree is a BST
- Check if a tree is symmetric
- Check if a tree is balanced
- Write a function to select a random element from an input tree
- Return largest product from 3 numbers in an input list
- Given a list of (x, y) coordinates and a point, find the k-nearest neighbors of the point from the input list
- Return the k largest numbers in a list
- Merge k sorted lists
- Maintain the median of a data stream
- Kth order statistic (also can use quickselect)
- Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
- Validate balanced parentheses
- Merge overlapping intervals
- Sort stack using only push and pop
- Reverse stack using only push and pop
- Design a stack with O(1) min access (
- Recursively and iteratively reverse a linked list
- Split linked list into equal parts
- Center of a linked list
- Detect whether linked list has cycles
- Find strt of a cycle in a linked list
- Delete nth element from end of linked list
- Given an integer x, find its square root. If x is not a perfect square, return floor(sqrt(x))
- Find the leftmost and rightmost occurrence of a value in a sorted array
- Print a matrix in spiral order
- Convert from one base to another
- Reverse digits of an integer using modulo and division
- Leetcode
- Geeks for Geeks
- Byte By Byte (YouTube channel)