
Basic Installation setup of the project on a mac

Installing Python3 on a Mac

  1. Start the terminal and type the following commands
  2. xcode-select --install
  3. /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  4. brew install python3

Installing Apache Kafka on a Mac

  1. Again, start the terminal and type the following commands
  2. brew cask install java
  3. brew cask install homebrew/cask-versions/adoptopenjdk8
  4. brew install kafka
  5. zookeeper-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/
  6. In a 2nd terminal window run kafka-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/
  7. In a 3rd terminal window run kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic <name of the topic>

Installing MongoDB on a Mac

  1. Again, start the terminal and type the following commands
  2. sudo mkdir -p /data/db
  3. sudo chown -R id -un /data/db
  4. mongod
  5. In a 2nd terminal window run mongo