
The official repository for Hack4Bengal Season 3

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hack4Bengal Season 3

This is the development repo for Hack4Bengal season 3. The website is built Vite(React), Twitter Bootstrap. The backend (if any) will be built with NodeJS.

  • This will be deployed to hack4bengal.tech once we have finazlied the design and the content.
  • Until then development workflow will contibue here.
  • The main branch will be deployed to dev.hack4bengal.tech for testing purposes.
  • NO-ONE except the leads, owners are allowed to push directly to main branch. Please create a PR and get it reviewed before merging to main branch.


  • Clone the repo
  • Run npm install to install all the dependencies
  • Run npm run dev to start the development server


  • pages folder contains all the pages example /live route will be the pages/live/Live.jsx file
  • components folder contains all the components, example components/Navbar.jsx will be the navbar component
  • styles folder contains the global styles.
  • public folder contains all the static assets like images, fonts, etc.
  • utils folder contains all the utility functions.
  • assets folder contains all the assets like images, fonts, etc.