Cloud-based task management project – Group 14

The application is a project management cloud platform. It provides with following functionalities:

  • project creation/deletion;
  • project report generation;
  • task creation/deletion for a project;
  • attach multi-format files to project (txt, pdf, jpg, mp3);
  • adding members to a project;
  • user settings and account management;
  • notifications on project assignment.

There are following basic components of this application:

  • Backend - Runs in on a Dockerized environment in GCP App Engine Flex environment.
  • Frontend - Android Application targeting API v28.
  • Database - The database is hosted on GCP Firestore Database.
  • Storage - The files are stored in GCP Cloud buckets.
  • API Endpoints - The OpenAPI Endpoints are deployed on Google Cloud Endpoints using a ESP to our App engine.
  • Push Notification Service - Triggered by Google Cloud Functions and messages sent to the device via Firebase Cloud Messaging.
  • Email-Notification Service - Runs in Google cloud platform compute engine (Instance Provisioned by Terraform).
  • CI and CD of repo - The continuos integration and deployment of the git repo is handled by two private GitLab CI runners. (Hosted on GCP Compute engine and Oracle Cloud engine each).


The file can be used to build, deploy, provision the instances. For deployment on the CI/CD on GitLabCI has been implemented, for more detail see pipelines.


The project consists of four folders in the root: backend, frontend (fe), terraform and notifications, as described below.


The backend of our project is build using Django Framework for Python. We are using a micro-services architecture pattern for a decoupled frontend and backend, and hence for backend communication, we are using REST Framework. The endpoints are designed as per OpenAPI 3.0/Swagger specifications.

The backend is deployed as a container in Google Cloud Platform's App Engine Flexible Environment.The base URL of our project is :

For a improved compatibility in build deployment and portability, the backend is dockerized into a docker containers using Ubuntu-18.04 as a base images as specified in the dockerfile.

The backend folder contains the following files and folders.

├── app.yaml
├── Dockerfile
├── env
├── key.json
├── mcc
├── openapi-appengine.yml
├── requirements.txt
├── templates
└── webServer

This file contains the credentials to Firebase. We communicate and perform the request to the back end as a firebase-admin user. And hence firebase-admin package for python has been used in our code.


The main libraries of our backend application is

  • gunicorn:20.0.0
  • requests:2.22.0
  • urllib3:1.25.7
  • django:2.2.7
  • djangorestframework:3.10.3
  • pyrebase:3.0.27
  • pillow:6.2.1
  • firebase-admin:3.2.0
  • xhtml2pdf:0.2.3
  • python-dateutil:2.6.1

API Reference Guide

The backend follows the OpenAPI specifications for serving the requests. The API's are deployed on Google cloud Platform's Cloud Endpoints. The developer console and the API reference material for all the backend endpoints are in


The push notifications to the device is being sent by the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service. We can send notifications to every device that has signed-up in the application. To send messages to the device, we use HTTPv1 Protocol specified for the Firebase Cloud Messaging Service.

To send the notifications, we are using serverless Google Cloud Functions. The code for this functionality has been written in NodeJs and is in sendNotifications/functions/index.js. The trigger that we have used is HTTP Trigger i.e. we can trigger the function through HTTP post requests. The url endpoint for our function is : . The triggers in our application happen when there are there are members added to the project or tasks is assigned to a project.

More details(request/response) about this can be seen in the OpenApi reference under the tokens tag.

Email Notification:

The email notification is sent via MailJet CLient running on a Google cloud platform's compute engine. The code run as a python script on this infrastructure. This infrastructure can be automatically deployed using Hashicorp's Terraform. It deploys a Ubuntu instance with g1-micro setting and installs the necessary dependencies using the

The then runs on this instance and sends email notification to the user when the deadline is approaching.


The frontend has been developed using both Kotlin and Java. You can find the application logic in the folder,

├── api
├── data
├── utils
└── views
  • api: classes and interfaces used to contact the backend;
  • data data models, used to send the current state of the application to the server;
  • utils: utility classes, used by other components;
  • views: UI components logic.

The graphical interface components (layouts, pictures, icons, etc.) can be found in the res folder, following the usual conventions for android applications.


As shown in build.gradle, our app target SDK is 28 Android API (9.0 Pie). The minimum SDK API supported is 26.

Below a list of used libraries:

  • firebase:

    • auth: firebase-auth:17.0.0;
    • database: firebase-database:17.0.0;
    • messaging: firebase-messaging:18.0.0.
  • api:

    • calls to BE: retrofit:2.3.0;
      • images download: picasso:2.5.2;
  • Android libraries: support-v7:28.0.0.

  • UI:

    • theme: nachos:1.1.1;
    • toasts: md-toast:0.9.0.

CI/CD using GitLabCI

For Continuous integration and deployment, we are using our own private Gitlab runners. There are two runners. One is hosted on Google Cloud Compute Engine and the other on Oracle Cloud Platform. The gitlab Ci code can be seen in the file : .gitlab-ci.yml

There are two stages to our CI/CD pipeline: build and deploy. The build is responsible for building the code and deploy stage deploys it to gcloud in case of backend and creates downloadable artifacts in case of frontend.

Each of the build and deploy is divided into two parts: The front-end and the backend. When the code is pushed to master, both the build and deploy runs. That is, the current code is deployed to the server and downloadable artifacts are created.

In cases of push to other branch or a merge request, only the build pipeline is triggered and hence the code is build but not deployed to the server.