Scrape all the YouTube comments using api , and filter the comments
This project works by scraping YouTube comments and identify the sentiment of comments.
The directory FancySentiment shows the WordCloud (most frequent words) of the comments.
The directory CommentSentiment shows the positive/negative sentiment (using NaiveBayesClassifier) of the comments.
Python 3
pip(Python Package Index) :
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
requests package :
$ sudo pip3 install requests
lxml package :
$ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev
$ pip3 install lxml
matplotlib package :
$ sudo pip3 install matplotlib
nltk package :
$ sudo pip3 install nltk
wordcloud package :
$ sudo pip3 install wordcloud
First input the API key in the file.
Then run the file.