
A library for music visualization

Primary LanguagePython


Phosphene is a library aimed at helping music visualization. This project is being written for visualizing music on a 10x10x10 3D LED display, and other hand-made devices (see apps/psychroom.py). But the phosphene package is more general and can be used for music visualization in general.

The Signal abstraction

The Signal class provides some cool abstractions you can use to setup various attributes for a signal. You can initialize a signal from the raw wav data as shown below:

from phosphene.signal import *
    # all example code below assumes that this line is on top
mySignal = Signal(data, sampling_rate)
    # data is usually a numpy array with
    # left & right channel samples

Now, mySignal has some time varying values like mySignal.t, the current time (unique for each mySignal.x); mySignal.x, the current sample number, (mySignal.Y[mySignal.x] is the current sample itself).

You can lift any function that takes the signal as argument to make it a time varying attribute of the same signal. e.g.:

mySignal.xsquared = lift(lambda s: s.x**2)

Now, mySignal.xsquared is mySignal.x squared, and varies with mySignal.x.

You can also lift long sequences of the same length as the data in the Signal. For example, the average of left and right channels in the data, mySignal.A is setup in this way in Signal's contructor.

mySignal.A = lift((mySignal.Y[:, 0] + mySignal.Y[:, 1]) / 2)
    # average of left and right channels

referencing mySignal.A will return the mySignal.xth average value

You can also make these arrays "temporally indexable".

e.g. if you instead did

mySignal.A = lift((mySignal.Y[:, 0] + mySignal.Y[:, 1]) / 2, True)
    # (the True argument makes it t-indexed)

mySignal.A[0] will be the mySignal.xth average value, while mySignal.A[-1] is the one before that,You can say mySignal.A[-512:512] to get 1024 values of A centered at the mySignal.xth sample

Using this, you can define short-time fft like this:

mySignal.fft = lift(lambda s: dsp.fft(s.A[-N/2:N/2]))

where N is the size of your window for the STFFT.

A "process" is a function that takes a signal as its argument and affects the world (e.g. draws something trippy on the screen). Processes can "perceive" a signal. perceive simulates changes in the signal as if it is being read in real-time. Watch.

from phosphene.graphs import *
def barsProcess(s):
    surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
    print "The current sample number is:", s.x
    print "The current fps is:", s.fps
    # Plot the short-time FFT in a bar graph
    barGraph(surface, (0, 0, 640, 480), group(32, s.fft))

# assuming mySingal is loaded and all the code above is
# executed
processes = [barsProcess]
song.play() # start playing the music that will be perceived, this call needs to be non blocking
fps = 90 # the fps you'd like (actual fps maybe lesser)
perceive(processes, mySingal, fps) # simulate perception of music by processes

signal and signalutil modules contain some functions that return lift values. Such as foldp (fold over past) and blend (cause a value vary smoothly).

The realTimeProcess function, found in the signal module can be used to perform processing on realtime signals. It works by clearing out the input array every 30 seconds and keeping the past 1400 samples from the current sample being percieved. It can be used in the same way as perceive function.

See demo.py for an example of beat detection done using this class and some utility functions from phosphene. liveDemo.py is an example of how to set up the realtime input using pyaudio.

Happy Hacking!


  • Python 2.x
  • numpy, scipy and pygame python packages
  • lame
  • pyaudio