Hi, I'm Rohit Patil, A Passionate Software Engineer and Computer Engineering Student from India 🇮🇳
Pinned Repositories
The main aim of this project was to solve improper Expense tracking. With the help of this project user can manage his/her Expenses easily and categorize them in different categories provided in the Webapp. User can track upto 3 Months of his Expenses which makes it easier for him to plan his Expenses. With the help of charts , data could be visualized far more conveniently.
Public Health Record Management System
Cyberpunk, a science-fiction subgenre characterized by countercultural antiheroes trapped in a dehumanized, high-tech future. Films typically featuring advanced, futuristic technology, such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality can be searched here.
Log Ingestor and Query Interface is a powerful tool designed for efficient log data management. It allows seamless log ingestion over HTTP and provides a user-friendly query interface with full-text search and various field filters.
Notes pRO is the note-taking app. The feature of the app is that Notes are saved on Cloud. So, you can access your notes from anywhere. You only need a Account on the Notes pRO. And you can create your notes and access them on the go.
The idea for the project is to build a Web App using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The HTML is to build the skeleton of the Web App and CSS is used to add the styling to the Web App. Then, JavaScript is used to add the functionalities to the Web App. The purpose of the Project is to provide a platform to the user for practicing the Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs).
Rohit Portfolio Email Server 📧 A simple Node.js and Express.js server for sending email notifications from Rohit's portfolio website. Features: 📧 Email Notifications, 🔑 API Key Protection
Public Health Record Management System
rohitvpatil0810's Repositories
Notes pRO is the note-taking app. The feature of the app is that Notes are saved on Cloud. So, you can access your notes from anywhere. You only need a Account on the Notes pRO. And you can create your notes and access them on the go.
The idea for the project is to build a Web App using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The HTML is to build the skeleton of the Web App and CSS is used to add the styling to the Web App. Then, JavaScript is used to add the functionalities to the Web App. The purpose of the Project is to provide a platform to the user for practicing the Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs).
Public Health Record Management System
Cyberpunk, a science-fiction subgenre characterized by countercultural antiheroes trapped in a dehumanized, high-tech future. Films typically featuring advanced, futuristic technology, such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality can be searched here.
Log Ingestor and Query Interface is a powerful tool designed for efficient log data management. It allows seamless log ingestion over HTTP and provides a user-friendly query interface with full-text search and various field filters.
Meme Centre is an API-based web application built using Next.js and TailwindCSS. With this app, you can fetch and view memes from Reddit, offering a fun and engaging way to browse the latest memes.
Rohit Portfolio Email Server 📧 A simple Node.js and Express.js server for sending email notifications from Rohit's portfolio website. Features: 📧 Email Notifications, 🔑 API Key Protection
Ivy Wallet is an open-source money manager app for Android, no longer maintained. You can fork the code or download the final version from Google Play.
A simple RESTful API for note-taking, built with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. The API provides CRUD operations for managing text notes with data validation and error handling.
This is the repository for my portfolio website, showcasing my projects, skills, and experience. The website is built with Next.js and styled with Tailwind CSS, using Lexend Deca font and Tabler Icons.
Task Manager TS: A modern task management application built with TypeScript, React, and Node.js, featuring Google authentication, email/password sign-in, and drag-and-drop functionality. Powered by ShadCN UI, Vite, Express.js, MongoDB, and Prisma ORM.
It's weather web app to get real-time weather information of a location. This app is made using Next.js, TailwindCSS. Information is being fetched from .