[Official website]( The Human Resource Application in Liferayhttp://rknowsys.com/)• [Project Page](http://r-knowsys.github.io/eApp)
Project Setup For Developers
- Fork eApp.
- In eclipse, launch a new workspace. For example: D:\eApp\workspace_eApp
- File --> Import --> Git --> Projects from Git --> "Select Repository Source", choose "Clone URI" option. Click Next.
- In "Source Git Repository" enter details: URI: "https://github.com/username/eApp.git" Check that the fields are filed up for host, repository path and protocol. (Host: "github.com". repository path:"R-Knowsys/eApp.git". Protocol: "https"). Authentication: <YOUR_GITHUB_USERID> and <YOUR_GITHUB_PASSWORD> ***Note: Do not check "Store in Secure Store".
- All branches on Github for eApp fork will be listed. Check the branch from which, you want to checkout the codebase. Example : "master"
- Provide "Local Destination" to a folder on your system( in the same drive where Liferay server is installed, otherwise the project ant builds throws relative path errors). For example: D:\eApp. All files will be fetched from the remote branch to your system. This is location of cloned repository. Click Next.
- On the 'select a wizard for importing projects' page, the option 'Import existing projects' is selected by default. The files start downloading. This will take few minutes depending upon internet speed.
- 'Import Projects' page will list all the portlets projects available in the remote branch. Check all. Click Finish.
- Open Liferay perspective. If you don't have the Liferay perspective then follow this link to get one http://www.liferay.com/community/wiki/-/wiki/Main/Liferay+IDE+Installation+Guide
- Add a liferay server (in left bottom portion) to point to the directory where liferay 6.2 CE Server (Tomcat 7) is available. In my machine this location is D:\eApp\liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga2\tomcat-7.0.42.
- In sdk project, rename the build.sample.properties to build.<YOUR_USERNAME>.properties. The user I log onto my machine is 'lenovo'. So I renamed to build.lenovo.properties. Modify the contents in this file to reflect the paths on your system(Use \ instead of ).
- Right clicking on build.xml in services-portlet gives a context menu and then Liferay-->Build-Services. This will generate all services related classes in service-portlet-service.jar.
- Deploy the services-portlet. The database will get generated.
- You are all set now. Remember to send pull requests to only staging branch. Happy Coding.