
a C++11 library for reading TMX files

Primary LanguageCMakeISC LicenseISC


libtmx is a C++11 library for reading TMX files. TMX is a XML dialect used in Tiled, a tile map editor.

libtmx is not meant to modify TMX files but to read TMX files.


libtmx is written in C++11 so you need a C++11 compiler like Clang or GCC.

libtmx also needs external libraries:


Check the online documentation of the current version of libtmx. This a doxygen documentation with some additional examples for rendering a map.

Build and install

You can download the sources directly from github:

git clone https://github.com/jube/libtmx.git

Then you have to use CMake to build the project:

cd libtmx
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../src

Finally, you can install the files (you may need root permissions):

make install


libtmx provides a pkg-config file so you can use it to configure your project.

pkg-config --cflags --libs libtmx0


  • Julien Bernard, julien dot bernard at univ dash fcomte dot fr


See ChangeLog.md.


This library is open source and is distributed under the ISC licence.