
No stress DOM query PHP class

Primary LanguagePHP

xQuery Build Status Coverage Status

use RPBase\XQuery\Event;
use RPBase\XQuery\XQuery;

$vals = [];
$maxItems = 5;

    <div id="root">
        <span id="my_id" class="hello-world lol">
            <div class="test">blah blah</div>
        <div class="test">hello world!</div>
    ')->find('#root div.test')
      ->each(function(XQuery $node, Event $event) use (&$vals, $maxItems) {
        $vals[] = $node->text();

        if (count($vals) >= $maxItems) {

// array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "blah blah" [1]=> string(12) "hello world!" }

##DOM query## XQuery make use of rohm1/Css2Xpath to convert CSS selectors into XPATH.


  • attr
  • attrs
  • children
  • end
  • eq
  • each
  • find
  • getDocument
  • is
  • hasAttribute
  • html
  • length
  • next
  • nextAll
  • parent
  • parents
  • prev
  • prevAll
  • text