With the cloud environment set use az login
to authenticate with your own credentials and MFA before running Terraform. ./deploy.py
will automatically figure out the rest.
To run:
usage: deploy.py [-h] -d DEPLOUMENT [-c CLOUD] [-s SECTION]
[-a [ACTION [ACTION ...]]] [-t TARGET] [-r RESOURCE] [-v]
[-pu] [-us UNLOCK_STATE] [-ss STATE_SNAPSHOT] [-p]
Run Terraform Wrapper
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required deployment commands:
Target Deployment to Terraform against
optional enviornment commands:
-c CLOUD, --cloud CLOUD
Cloud to Target
-s SECTION, --section SECTION
Section to target (usefull for large projects when
state is broken into multiple files.)
-a [ACTION [ACTION ...]], --action [ACTION [ACTION ...]]
Available terraform actions; plan, apply, taint,
untaint, state, import
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Specify specific modules for the selected --action
-r RESOURCE, --resource RESOURCE
ResourceID which is used if doing a state import.
-v, --verbose Show verbose outputs
optional terraform commands:
-pu, --plugin_update Specify this parameter if you wish to upgrade/validate
terraform plugins
-us UNLOCK_STATE, --unlock_state UNLOCK_STATE
Use this command to unlock state, --unlock_state
Default enabled will take a snapshot of the state on
any action except plan.
optional packer commands:
-p, --packer Specify this parameter along with -d to run a packer
build in a deployment
-po PACKER_OS, --packer_os PACKER_OS
Specify this parameter if -p is used. Available
options are under /packer/os/<filename>
Action is plan, apply, destroy, iterate, or import. The default action is plan. An 'are you sure?' prompt is presented before you do an apply.
Cloud is azure. The default provider is azure.
Deployment is sus1, sus2, etc. There is a subdirectory per deployment containing the following files:
- deployment.tfvars - defines the Azure subscription_id, 'sus1va1' name prefix and the deployment plan (how many of each instance type to create; what instance size; what disk size; what storage account type)
- secrets.tfvars - optional: define any variables that shouldn't be committed to git.
Target is used when you want to focus on a specific piece of infrastructure, e.g. azurerm_network_security_group.<environment> or module.<environment>.azurerm_virtual_machine.vm
Local - Local state files by default get a single backup. When this wrapper is used your terraform.tfstate file will create a snapshot anytime state will be manipulated and place it in the state folder under the target environment. Snapshots older than 30 days will be auto purged.
Remote (azure) - Remote state files are stored in blob storage. When this wrapper is used your terraform.tfstate file will create a blob snapshot anytime state will be manipulated. Snapshots older than 30 days will be auto removed using Azure Storage Lifecycle Management which is configured in remote_state.tf.
./deploy.py -d us1 -a validate
./deploy.py -d us1
./deploy.py -d us1 -a apply
./deploy.py -d us1 -a apply -t module.rg-test.azurerm_resource_group.rg[0]
./deploy.py -d us1 -a apply -t module.rg-test.azurerm_resource_group.rg[0] -t module.rg-test.azurerm_resource_group.rg["test"]
./deploy.py -d us1 -t resource_groups.tf
./deploy.py -d us1 -a state rm -t module.rg-test.azurerm_resource_group.rg[0]
./deploy.py -d us1 -a state mv -t module.rg-test.azurerm_resource_group.rg[0] -t module.rg-test2.azurerm_resource_group.rg[0]
./deploy.py -d us1 -a import -t module.rg-test.azurerm_resource_group.rg[0] -r /subscriptions/75406810-f3e6-42fa-97c6-e9027e0a0a45/resourceGroups/DUS1VA1-test
./deploy.py -d us1 -a taint -t null_resource.image
./deploy.py -d us1 -a untaint -t null_resource.image
./deploy.py -d us2 -a plan -pf <path>/<fileName>.plan
./deploy.py -d us2 -a show -pf <path>/<existing fileName>
./deploy.py -d us2 -a apply -pf <path>/<existing fileName>
If you receive this message you can unlock using the below command. Grab the ID under Lock Info:
Error: Error locking state: Error acquiring the state lock: storage: service returned error: StatusCode=409, ErrorCode=LeaseAlreadyPresent, ErrorMessage=There is already a lease present.
Time:2020-01-08T01:18:23.2626686Z, RequestInitiated=Wed, 08 Jan 2020 01:18:23 GMT, RequestId=9c61c2f1-c01e-00d7-7ec1-c570f5000000, API Version=2018-03-28, QueryParameterName=, QueryParameterValue=
Lock Info:
ID: 047c2e42-69b7-4006-68a5-573ad93a769a
Path: main/terraform.tfstate
Operation: OperationTypeApply
Who: user@machine_xyz
Version: 0.12.18
Created: 2020-01-08 01:13:13.1965322 +0000 UTC
./deploy.py -d us1 --unlock_state 047c2e42-69b7-4006-68a5-573ad93a769a
./deploy.py -p -po ubuntu -d us1
./deploy.py -p -po centos -d us1
./deploy.py -p -po windows -d us1