
Primary LanguagePython


This project is a set of python scripts used to retrieved data (about Battery Voltage, Power, Current, Temperature, ...) through serial ports to EMUS Battery Managment System.

Works with EMUS-G1-BMS-Serial_Protocol-v2.0.13.

Getting started

How to install this library

Clone the repository

Go to your home (or anywhere else that suit you.)

cd /home/pi

Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:rohsyl/emus-bms.git


Make sure that you have intalled python3.5 or higher and pip.

Install the pyserial, python-dotenv, mysql-connector libraries using pip

pip3 install pyserial mysql-connector python-dotenv


All configurations are done in the .env file.

It this file doesm't exists, you can copy and rename the .env.exemple file.

Serial port


For prod usage


Find the vid and pid using the following python code snippet

python3.7 -m serial.tools.list_ports -v 

It use pyserial library that you should have installed earlier.


For dev usage


It's not the default behavior to use this to configure the serial port but it's good for dev.

Only use for dev purpose because in a production environment the /dev/ttyUSB4 can change over time...

How to use the library

This section show how to open a connection and request some data.

First, Import dependencies

import threading
import sys
from config.config import *
from emus_lib.constants import *
from emus_lib.helpers import *
from emus_lib.serial.emus import EmusSerial

Then, you have to defined the sentence you want to read.

Implemented sentence can be seen in emus_lib/constants.py

If you want to request other sentence, feel free to add them here.


You have to manually set in how many frames the response to a given sentence will be provided by the EMUS BMS.

You have to set it manually because it depends on how many cells your battery have.

See the official documentation of EMUS BMS Serial Protocol for me details about it.

    SEN_BV1: {'length': 1},
    SEN_BV2: {'length': 2},

I've decided to setup a queue system to store the reponse because sometimes responses come in a different order than it was requested and also it handle timeout if no answer from the EMUS BMS is sent.

Instanciate the response queue manager and pass the response definitions


Open serial connection

For dev, you can pass the EMUS_SERIAL_PORT as first parameter to the EmusSerial constructor.

For prod, you can pass None as first parameter to the EmusSerial and the EMUS_SERIAL_VID and EMUS_SERIAL_PID will automatically be used to connect to the serial port.

# serial.set_logger('emus')

We use another thread to read data in a non-blocking way.

Start to read to the serial port to be ready to get responses from the BMS.

thread = threading.Thread(target=serial.read, args=[False])

Send a request for each sentences.

for request in SEN_RESPONSE_DEFINITION.keys():

Wait until we have all responses or it's timed out (if timeout is configured)

while not q.is_queue_processed() and not q.has_timed_out():

Close serial connection


Access do data :

items = q.get_items()

And now you can loop though these items and do whatever you want with these data !

You can see emus.py for an exemple.

This exemple works ONLY when the EMUS BMS is NOT in Broadcast mode !

If you want to work with the broadcast mode enable, you just need to change to following line

thread = threading.Thread(target=serial.read, args=[False])


thread = threading.Thread(target=serial.read_broadcast, args=[False])

Also keep in mind that in broadcast mode, the EMUS BMS is just broadcasting some sentences through the serial port.

That means that you can't send request to the EMUS BMS and also you can access all sentences. See EMUS BMS documentations for more details about this.


  • emus.py : Get data by sending request and waiting for responses.
  • emus_broadcast.py : Read broadcasted data.

Extra features


The locker will simply create a file that will say that the given resource is in use.

For this exemple resource name is emus. So the created file is named emus.LOCK.

Check if a resource is locked and wait until it's unlocked

while Locker.is_locked('emus'):

Default lock timeout is 2 seconds, you can change it by passing it as 2nd parameter to the is_locked method

Lock a resource


Unlock a resource



you can init a logger using the following function

from emus_lib.helpers import *

logger = init_logging('emus')

Available sentence

This library provide support for the following sentences :

  • BB1
  • BB2
  • BC1
  • BT1
  • BT2
  • BT3
  • BT4
  • BV1
  • BV2
  • CV1
  • VR1
  • DT1
  • ST1
  • OT1


Log file are located under /home/pi/homepy/log. There is a file for each script.


  • Sylvain Roh