
This is a telegram bot written in PHP. It give you course scheduling for the current day.

Primary LanguagePHP

Telegram Bot - Horaires Bellevue

This is a telegram bot written in PHP. It give you course scheduling for the current day.


Have a webserver with HTTPS

Exemple: https://telegram.rohs.ch

Clone this repository on your server

git clone git@github.com:rohsyl/telegram-bot-horaires-bellevue.git

Installing the bot

Create a bot

On the Telegram app create a new bot by talking to the BotFather.

More details on How to create a bot here.

Get the API token

Talk to the BotFather and type:


Then click on your bot and next click on "API Token" to get your token

Configure the bot and register the hook


Edit the file constant.php and set APIKEY and BOTNAME

Edit the file set.php and change the $hook_url to point to your hook.php file on your own domain

Install dependencies

composer install

Set the hook

Open https://telegram.rohs.ch/set.php in your browser.

You will get a success message if the hook is successfully registred.

You can now write to the bot on the Telegram app