
This is an adaptable codebase with a focus on code reusability and scalability for backend data storage with integrated caching capabilities. Implementation contained focused on advanced MySQL, and NoSQL using MongoDB and Redis caching applications.

Primary LanguagePython

0x00. MySQL advanced

📂 Specializations ― Back-end Engineer 👤 by Guillaume Plessis, Senior Cloud & System Engineer at WeWork and Guillaume, CTO at Holberton school
©️ Holberton School


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Learning Objectives

At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:


  • How to create tables with constraints
  • How to optimize queries by adding indexes
  • What is and how to implement stored procedures and functions in MySQL
  • What is and how to implement views in MySQL
  • What is and how to implement triggers in MySQL


  • A README.md file.


  • 0. We are all unique!
  • 1. In and not out
  • 2. Best band ever!
  • 3. Old school band
  • 4. Buy buy buy
  • 5. Email validation to sent
  • 6. Add bonus
  • 7. Average score
  • 8. Optimize simple search
  • 9. Optimize search and score
  • 10. Safe divide
  • 11. No table for a meeting
  • 12. Average weighted score
  • 13. Average weighted score for all!

Software Engineer

Rotimi Adebowale Owolabi :octocat: GitHub