
My personal notes about how I usually uses git (Just updates when I need)

The Common Thing About Git

Here's the some command that I usually uses in Git

Local Repository

To initialize project:

$ git init

Add all the files into the project:

$ git add .

(Optional) But if you wanna undo or reset all the files that you've added just uses this command:

$ git reset .

(Optional) Or this, if you wanna reset or undo the specific file:

$ git reset <name-of-the-file>

Commit all the file to the project, and the message is a must be add, like this command:

$ git commit -m <the-commit-message>

For the example:

$ git commit -m "initial commit"

But if you wanna undo or reset all the files that you've commited just follow this step.

Remote Repository

(Skip this step if you already add the remote repository). But if you didn't add it yet need to follow this command:

$ git remote add origin <ssh-address-repository>

for example:

$ git remote add origin git@github.com:rohwid/try-git.git

Push the project to remote repository:

$ git push -u origin <branch-name>

For initialization phase, usually uses master branch.

$ git push -u origin master