Product Q&A ChatBot

Q&A tool to extract meaningful information from the Google Store reviews.



  • In this case, I use WSL or Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Python3.10
  • virtualenv


  • Create and activate the virtualenv.

    virtualenv .venv -p /usr/bin/python3.10
    source .venv/bin/activate
  • Install python packages.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Execution Pipeline


  • Load the environment variables that contain OPENAI and PINECONE credentials. Then, fill in your credentials. The example of envars were written in .env.example file.

  • Edit and fill .env.example and rename it to .env.

  • Load the envars with export command.

    export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)
  • Now we can run the execution pipeline by executing the file.

  • All the configuration params are saved in config/config.yml

  • The process will execute the other process in this order:

    • Data ingestion (Automatically download the datasets).
      • The important params:
        • force_ingest: set to True to replace the current datasets.
    • Upsert the document (Select the useful features (column), Load the CSV as Documents, Chunk the documents, Document embedding, and upsert to the Pinecone database).
      • The important params:
        • data_length: to determine the length of the datasets (number of rows as documents). With the value set to -1 are mean upsert all data to Pinecone.
        • force_upsert: set to True to replace the current documents in Pinecone.
    • Evaluation (Evaluate the LLMs Performance), this part is already done in notebook/10_evaluation.ipynb but I still need time to implement it as part of the pipeline.

Run Application


  • Load the environment variables that contain OPENAI and PINECONE credentials. Then, fill in your credentials. The example of envars was written in .env.example file.

  • Edit and fill .env.example and rename it to .env.

  • Load the envars with export command.

    export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)
  • Now we can run the streamlit apps by executing the

    streamlit run

Future Works

  • Convert notebook/10_evaluation.ipynb to pipeline.
  • Try more prompt by using Summarization and Self-Querying to improve the ChatBot. Because this is a CSV data and we can use the Metadata as input.
  • Spliting Upsert the document pipeline into more detail parts like:
    • Select the useful features (column)
    • Load the CSV as Documents
    • Chunk the documents
    • Document embedding
    • Upsert to the Pinecone database


Demo Videos
